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Обилазак Лофтон Цреека кајаком на острву Амелиа

Тура кајаком Лофтон Цреек је савршена за веслаче било ког нивоа, укључујући децу и почетнике. То је интимно искуство природе у којем учесници могу очекивати да ће се приближити корњачама, алигаторима, змијама, видрама, а повремено и морским кравама. Копнена природа шуме привлачи детлиће са гомилом, црвене јастребе и радознале анхинге, које се понекад називају „воденим ћурком“. Заштићени састав Лофтон Цреека значи да је веслање овде „отпорно на временске прилике“ на бурне приобалне услове. Веслање на југу на Лофтон Црееку пружа сликовите погледе на мочваре, док је веслање на северу удаљеније, шумовито искуство. Тура кајаком Лофтон Цреек је гарантовано добар провод за све у вашој групи!<бр>
Цити: Јацксонвилле
Sat 26 Oct
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Са почетком у $55.00
Sat 26 Oct
Са почетком у $55.00
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Фернандина Беацх
Паддле Цалм Лофтон Цреек на острву Амелиа
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Коментара (202)
Oct 2018
While on a recent visit to friends in Fernandina, our friend my wife and myself went on a kayak tour of Lofton Creek, Thomas our guide is a very knowledge and very pleasant chap, before we set off he gave us some instruction on paddling the kayaks and made sure we were all happy about it before we set off. Along the way Thomas pointed out many things of interest birds water life etc., he took many photo's during the tour which we were able to download later on the day. Would recommend this tour to anyone if in the area. Thanks again Thomas the three of us really enjoyed the tour and meeting you.
Одговор домаћина
May 2020
Thank you for sharing your kind thoughts. We appreciate you touring Lofton with us, one of our favorite places to kayak!
Sep 2018
Catherine and Thomas at Amelia Adventures are fantastic. We called at the last minute to book a four-person kayak trip, and they were so accommodating. They quickly met us at the launch point to get us going out on Egan's Creek with the tide, and we had an awesome time. Catherine is an amazing kayak tour guide and photographer. She knew a ton about the birds on the creek and about the history of the area. She took amazing photos of us and of the wildlife we saw, and then shared those pictures with us through Facebook. If you find yourself on Amelia Island, definitely check them out and book a tour through them.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2020
Thanks Marie. Happy you had a memorable time and your positive words mean so much. Thank you for sharing with others.
Debbie C
Sep 2018
We had a great morning kayaking on Lofton Creek. It was really beautiful and serene. Our guide, Brittney was very sweet and knowledgeable. Thomas was really great with our booking and follow-up. Amelia Adventures is the best choice for a tour/adventure in Ameila Island!!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Thank you for your kind review! We appreciate you choosing us and also sharing your experience with others. We hope to take you on another adventure next time you are in the area. -Catherine and Thomas

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