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Обилазак Лофтон Цреека кајаком на острву Амелиа

Тура кајаком Лофтон Цреек је савршена за веслаче било ког нивоа, укључујући децу и почетнике. То је интимно искуство природе у којем учесници могу очекивати да ће се приближити корњачама, алигаторима, змијама, видрама, а повремено и морским кравама. Копнена природа шуме привлачи детлиће са гомилом, црвене јастребе и радознале анхинге, које се понекад називају „воденим ћурком“. Заштићени састав Лофтон Цреека значи да је веслање овде „отпорно на временске прилике“ на бурне приобалне услове. Веслање на југу на Лофтон Црееку пружа сликовите погледе на мочваре, док је веслање на северу удаљеније, шумовито искуство. Тура кајаком Лофтон Цреек је гарантовано добар провод за све у вашој групи!<бр>
Цити: Јацксонвилле
Fri 25 Oct
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Са почетком у $55.00
Fri 25 Oct
Са почетком у $55.00
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Фернандина Беацх
Паддле Цалм Лофтон Цреек на острву Амелиа
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Коментара (202)
Aug 2018
Excellent morning with Catherine of Amelia Adventures and her team! A great way to see a beautiful part of Amelia Island. We were also able to book a boat tour with Thomas during our stay to see Cumberland Island. I highly recommend both tours! Amelia Adventures knows all of the good spots - we saw baby alligators, turtles on the kayak tour and tons of dolphins during the boat tour as well as the horses on Cumberland Island. We will definitely be back to Amelia Adventures on future vacations!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Thank you to this awesome family that booked multiple tours during their vacation. You made our week more special because you choose to spend more time with us! We appreciate you choosing us and trusting us with your vacation adventures and we thank you for sharing your experiences with others. We hope to see you next time you are on Amelia! -Catherine and Thomas
Jul 2018
We had a private, 3 person kayaking trip on Lofton Creek. We saw a few baby alligators and a few turtles and enjoyed the beautiful day. Catherine was a super guide and told us about the creek and natural history of the area.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Thank you for your sweet review! We appreciate you choosing us and also sharing your experience with others! We hope we can take you on another adventure next time you are in town! -Catherine and Thomas
Ashley C
Jul 2018
Took the Cumberland Island Trip with Amelia Adeventures and it did not disappoint. Very reasonably priced and perfect for a group of paddlers with a mixed skill set. Amelia Adventures handled all the heavy lifting for the trip, all we had to do was show up with our sunscreen and bottled water. Launched from a great spot and the paddle to Cumberland required practically no effort since they timed our trip with the tides. Upon landing on Cumberland we were steps away from seeing the horses since there were some grazing in the tidal marsh, which left the group ample time for combing the pristine beach for shark's teeth & shells. The paddle back required a little more effort, mostly owing to a big uptick in the number of boats on the water, but the whole trip only took around 3 hours and left us with plenty of energy to keep sightseeing for the rest of the day. The boat landing where we departed was clean and well maintained and the kayaks and gear provided by the company were all in good shape and easy to use. But the best part was that Thomas took all the pictures and they were amazing. No need to bring a camera or a phone along and worry about trying to keep it dry & sand free; they have you covered on that front too. I highly recommend this company if kayaking or boat tours are on your Amelia Island itinerary.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Thank you, thank you for your very sweet review! We appreciate you booking with us and also sharing your experience with others! We hope we can take you on another adventure next time you are in town! -Catherine and Thomas

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