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Обилазак Лофтон Цреека кајаком на острву Амелиа

Тура кајаком Лофтон Цреек је савршена за веслаче било ког нивоа, укључујући децу и почетнике. То је интимно искуство природе у којем учесници могу очекивати да ће се приближити корњачама, алигаторима, змијама, видрама, а повремено и морским кравама. Копнена природа шуме привлачи детлиће са гомилом, црвене јастребе и радознале анхинге, које се понекад називају „воденим ћурком“. Заштићени састав Лофтон Цреека значи да је веслање овде „отпорно на временске прилике“ на бурне приобалне услове. Веслање на југу на Лофтон Црееку пружа сликовите погледе на мочваре, док је веслање на северу удаљеније, шумовито искуство. Тура кајаком Лофтон Цреек је гарантовано добар провод за све у вашој групи!<бр>
Цити: Јацксонвилле
Fri 25 Oct
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Са почетком у $55.00
Fri 25 Oct
Са почетком у $55.00
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Фернандина Беацх
Паддле Цалм Лофтон Цреек на острву Амелиа
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (202)
Jul 2018
Wow, where can I begin? The staff are A++, knowledgeable, passionate, fun, and friendly. They knew every detail of the 3 adventures we took. And since this was our first experience in kayaking the staff had patience to ensure our minds were at ease before we started. We toured Lofton and the Cumberland Island by kayak. Amazing wildlife and scenery. And we also did a evening sunset tour by boat. Very romantic setting even with the kids along. Thanks Thomas and Cat!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
It was so much fun meeting you guys. How was that for an Amelia Island Adventure Week! Meeting amazing families like yours and sharing the beauty of Amelia Island is why we do this. Sincerely, Thomas
Jun 2018
We are locals who wanted to see more of our own wild backyard. We booked the Lofton Creek kayak trip and the entire experience was first rate. Catherine was our guide and provided a safe, relaxing and informative float. She knows the waterways, wildlife, and flora. The pace allowed for great nature photography and conversation. I would definitely recommend Amelia Adventures for a family excursion or something different to do with friends. The peacefulness and quiet makes you feel like you're miles into the wild, it's shady and you never know what you may see around the bend. We look forward to booking another kayak trip and sharing the experience with family. The rest of you locals should try it! Susan E.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2018
Thank you so much for Paddling with Catherine! -Thomas
Heather S
Jun 2018
We had originally made reservations for the Cumberland Island paddle but due to the weather forecast we had to make some adjustments. I called and spoke with Cat who helped us plan not only one but TWO adventures!! We did a private sunset tour with Captain Thomas!! He was so knowledgeable of the area!! He took us over to Cumberland and we saw a wild horse, saw several dolphins feeding in the Bay Area, went near the marsh and saw beautiful spoonbill birds! It was a wonderful trip for us as we started our vacation! The next afternoon we did a paddle with Cat! Lofton Creek was beautiful!! (Originally I didn’t think it would be as exciting) we saw several large and small alligators, turtles and beautiful flowers along the creek side. The paddle was so beautiful and extremely relaxing. It was my husband and sons first real paddle! Cat and her assistant were amazing and helped my husband relax and really enjoy the tour!! We will DEFINITELY be back and recommend this company to our friends!! Thank you for TWO wonderful memories!!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
This means so much. We are happy you have happy memories and took time to share with others. We are grateful you trusted us and booked both kayaking on Lofton Creek and the private sunset tour. Thank you! -Catherine

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