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Обилазак Лофтон Цреека кајаком на острву Амелиа

Тура кајаком Лофтон Цреек је савршена за веслаче било ког нивоа, укључујући децу и почетнике. То је интимно искуство природе у којем учесници могу очекивати да ће се приближити корњачама, алигаторима, змијама, видрама, а повремено и морским кравама. Копнена природа шуме привлачи детлиће са гомилом, црвене јастребе и радознале анхинге, које се понекад називају „воденим ћурком“. Заштићени састав Лофтон Цреека значи да је веслање овде „отпорно на временске прилике“ на бурне приобалне услове. Веслање на југу на Лофтон Црееку пружа сликовите погледе на мочваре, док је веслање на северу удаљеније, шумовито искуство. Тура кајаком Лофтон Цреек је гарантовано добар провод за све у вашој групи!<бр>
Цити: Јацксонвилле
Fri 25 Oct
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Fri 25 Oct
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Паддле Цалм Лофтон Цреек на острву Амелиа
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Коментара (202)
Aug 2017
We did the Lofton Creek Kayak trip which is a beautiful area. It's a blackwater creek so the water looked very dark and reflected beautifully the trees and the flora. It was really peaceful and we really enjoyed most of the trip. Unlike others, we didn't see any alligators or any other mammal, reptile or animal just a lot of insects. There were no mosquitos though as they don't like acidic blackwater rivers. We went with Thomas who was nice but on the wayback was mostly way up ahead and out of sight so if we ran into trouble we were on our own. A guide of another group who passed me by had to tell me my oar was upside down. Our own guide wouldn't have known because he was nowhere to be seen most of the time (on the way back). I went with my two kids and they were far ahead of me and at some stages of the trip back I was totally on my own and that did somewhat negated the relaxing side of the kayak trip. However, I would suggest the Lofton Creek experience.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2017
Hello SarahJupiter! Thank you for the 4 star review! I'm very sorry that I was up ahead with the kids. I must admit that as the wildlife was sparse during our paddle in I was trying to spot an alligator for the boys on the way out. They are not looking to be found and typically hide when they hear us coming. I have taken note of your advise and I hope you received my email and the amount refunded :) Thank you again for paddling with me and hopefully I will have a chance to kayak with you and the boys again. Sincerely, Thomas
Aug 2017
We had a party of 8 including several teenagers and took a Saturday afternoon kayak trip of Lofton Creek. Everyone had a great time. We saw alligators and turtles, got a nice shower with a light rain and really enjoyed ourselves. The guides provided interesting information during the trip and took photos of our family. They emailed the photos to us the next day! This was a definite do-over and we plan to go on some of the other, longer trips soon.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2017
A little shower can be welcomed when kayaking Florida in the Summer! Thank you for bringing your family kayaking with us! Let me know when your going to make it back and kayak over Cumberland Island! -Thomas
Aug 2017
we did the lofton creek kyak tour on august 1 with thomas. it was fantastic. it was my wife , myself, my daughter 18 and her boyfriend. thomas was an excellent guide. before we started, he gave us a quick lesson on kyaking which was great because my wife and i havent done it in a few years. the kyaks were very comfortable and in great condition. lofton creek was a very easy paddle with lots of things to see. thomas explained all about the creek and its wildlife. he also took pictures for us which made it easy so we didnt have to take our cameras. it was a 2 hour ride and we took a little break halfway for snacks. we were actually suppose to do the cumberland island kyak trip but because of high winds it had to be rescheduled. this compangy was very efficient with answering emails and reminding us the day before about the trip.i would highly recommend them.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2017
It all worked out! it's always great to hear reviews like yours. Our family loves sharing these expereinces with families like yours. Thanks again, Thomas

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