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Биг Бус Чикаго хоп-он хоп-офф турнеја

Чикашка метропола на обали језера позната је по својим упечатљивим небодерима, музејима светске класе и живописној историји. Истражите „Ветровити град“ сопственим темпом, уз избор класичне (24-часовне) и премиум (48-часовне) карте, која укључује обилазак аутобуса са укрцавањем и заустављањем са стајалиштима стратешки лоцираним у близини градске врхунске атракције. Ускочите да доживите локације као што су Планетаријум Адлер и Морнаричко пристаниште или скочите дуж Величанствене миље у куповину, погледајте велики град на задивљујућим висинама са Скидецк-а Вилис Товера.
Цити: Чикаго
Sat 26 Oct
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Sat 26 Oct
Са почетком у $44.99
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Праћење аутобуса уживо (преузмите бесплатну апликацију Биг Бус)
Хоп-он, Хоп-офф, Опен-топ, обилазак аутобусом за разгледање
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Коментара (1000)
Jun 2019
My parents and I waited way too long for these buses. They were supposed to come every 10 to 15 minutes and we waited once for nearly 45. Then two showed up. That is a ridiculous wait time for the amount of money we paid for the day. In a addition, when you get back to stop one you have to get off and switch buses. I've gone on 3 different hop-on-hop-off tours and this is the first time that has ever happened. It should be a continuous circuit. The only reason they aren't getting a 1 is because our driver Kim kicked ass when there were other buses blocking her route and because the tour guides Helen and Megan were great!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Hello, First, thank you very much for your feedback, we appreciate all comments. We would like to apologize for your recent experience and are sorry to hear that you were less than satisfied with the timing of the buses. We do agree that it is unacceptable to wait that long and again we do apologize. We try our best to navigate the traffic and maintain our time, although sometimes things happen along the way that may tie a bus up. However, we will continue to work on this and we do hope you will give us another Hop-On in the future. We will let Kim know that you appreciated her driving!! Warm Regards, Cindy Rodriguez Big Bus Chicago
Topher E
Jun 2019
I thinks its an excellent tour. The cost is good and we were able to use the pass for 2 days so we didnt have to rush to see all the things we wanted to see. But... and this was a big but for me.... the tour is very different depanding on who and how many people are on the bus. When we got on it was busy and the tour guide was very engaged and really talked about everything we passed and it was very informative and entertaining, however, when we got on later in the day at another stop, there was few people on the bus and the tour guide was not interested in speaking at all. He chatted up a single lady rider at the front and ignored the other 6 people on the bus, us included. Same thing the next day... it was raining so we were all on the lower deck and only few folks, so the guide was very quite and not very entertaining. when the sun came out and more people got on, things got more exciting. Something the tour should really look into.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Hello Topher, I would like to thank you for taking the time to review us. We appreciate all feedback. I was hoping you could contact me at 877-286-4796 so we can discuss further. Feedback, both positive and negative, are used for possible coaching moments and if we can speak over the phone I may be able to get some more details about the Tour Guides you encountered and give them some constructive coaching. We are glad you did find it informative and entertaining and we hope to see you again on the Big Bus!! Warm Regards, Cindy Rodriguez Big Bus Chicago
Jun 2019
Our Hop-on, Hop-off Big Bus experience. Good morning, This is a mixed review. June 11th, was a gorgeous day in Chicago so I took my visiting two Australian friends on a Hop-On, Hop off Big Bus tour, using an Chicago Explorer Pass at about 1:30 p.m. Our plans had to be cut short because the friendly Irish person who gave us our tickets at the Michigan Avenue Bridge kiosk informed us that on this particular day, the last bus departing Stop Number 1 would be at 3 p.m. We were not happy about this and when I tried to speak to the person selling tickets at the Bus Stop 1 he was most dismissive, tapping hard on the sign on the window of the bus for us to read. In fairness, he was busy, the bus was full and he wanted to get it underway. To us, however, his manner was quite brusque. Because of this, we chose to just do the tour and not get off, finishing where we started in the Loop. Robert, our tour guide was friendly and did a good job (Solar systems better than the last time I took a visitor on your tour). Later in the tour, Robert told all of us that because of the shortened day, we could use our ticket the next day. Disappointing, for sure, considering that we came in by train that takes over an hour, but something. Later, as our bus drove north up Columbus Drive and under Randolph Street in the tunnel, the gust of wind whooped around and whipped out our three bus tickets out of my shirt pocket. One landed in the bus two rows up and the other two went fluttering away somewhere with the wind. Having lost our tickets, I asked Robert, who had seen this, what I should do. He informed me that the camera at the front upper deck of the bus would have captured the image and so getting replacements would be easy. All I had to do was speak to the guy selling tickets when I got off the bus, mentioning his name. Once again, this same guy to whom we spoke before was not interested in our situation, and later, thinking about this, I remember two, somewhat contrary messages. One was that “Big Bus is not responsible for lost tickets”. The other was something like: “a replacement would cost $10”. Perhaps there was more that I missed, but he got involved with the bus at the door in some way and turned away. Given such responses, we gave up and walked away. Later, we figured, before we post this feedback online, we wrote to the company. They never wrote back so here this is.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Hello Barp113, I am very sorry for the all the inconvenience you encountered this day. We did have a company event that caused us to close early on June 11th, but we also could have taken care of your lost tickets in this instance. If you would please contact me at [email protected], I would like to speak with you and discuss further. Kindly, Cindy Rodriguez The Big Bus Chicago Team

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