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Биг Бус Нев Иорк Хоп-Он Хоп-Офф Тоур Опен Топ

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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Mon 23 Sep
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Са почетком у $53.99
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $53.99
Шта је укључено
Хоп-он хоп-офф, опен-топ, обилазак аутобусом за разгледање
2 руте - Уптовн (црвена рута) и Довнтовн (плава рута)
Аудио водич на енглеском, шпанском, француском, италијанском, португалском и немачком
1 сат бесплатног изнајмљивања бицикла уз куповину 1 сата од Унлимитед Бикинг
Праћење аутобуса уживо преко апликације Биг Бус
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Коментара (1000)
Oct 2019
Picked the Bus up at Time Square, Darius was a Tour bus host and he was fab. Unfortunately when we were due to come back from bus stop 11, four buses came which were full. We had to wait at least an hour and half for a bus to bring us back! We got on a bus but there must have been 50 people still waiting when we left.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Good Afternoon j14karen, While it is great to hear Darius left you with a great encounter, it is disheartening that you experienced longer than usual wait times. While our tours do experience a high volume of customers, we do our best to monitor the demand and plan for an increased number of buses during busier times to avoid overcrowding and extensive wait times. With that being said, we assure you, we are working strenuously to improve our bus system and we encourage you to tour with us again, experience the changes first hand and hopefully we can exceed your expectations. Kind Regards, BBTNY
Oct 2019
Do not use Big Bus Tour. This morning we tried to start our Big Bus Tour at a stop we found on their webpage. After two busses passed without stopping, I called customer service. I was told that they talked with their dispatcher and that a bus would arrive in 10 minuted. 30 minutes passed and no bus. Again I was told to wait 10 minutes. After another 30 minutes, no bus. We left and went to another stop, found a bus, and a huge one. I asked many questions to the Big Bus personnel, and was told that they no longer use the stop where I waited. The stop is listed on their maps and web page. When asked if we could get our money back we were told we would have to go to one of their offices and ask. We were now 2 hours into this stupid game. I suggest using any of the other hop on hop off busses.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Good Afternoon jeraldf2014, We apologize for any confusion, as all of our maps are updated and buses are expected to stop on all of our locations. Whenever we have to change or alter a route, or close a stop completely, we only do so once mandated by the Dept. of Transportation. We post these changes on our website and app under “Service information”. Regardless, please provide a copy of your tickets, so we may further investigate this incident. As for your request, the process is on our website under other inquiries. With that being said, we hope the rest of your trip was enjoyable. Kind Regards, BBTNY
Oct 2019
We chose this tour bus based on the stops and trip advisor rating. Our experience started off poorly but improved. The stop to get on at Times Square was unclear. We asked 3 different reps who sent us to 3 different locations within the block. This was frustrating enough but what made it worse was the reps at Times Square. They were extremely rude to the point where one was yelling at me that we didn’t know what we were doing. I didn’t want to engage. So I said the customer is always right and walked away while he persisted to yell at me! Unbelievable! I get these are low paying jobs but this the companies front line staff! We got on the next stop where the personnel was better and the actual tour guide was good but wouldn’t recommend this company overall!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Good Afternoon JDubbToronto_Canada, Thank you for taking the time to feedback on TripAdvisor. We received your email that reference your comments. We are glad to have resolve the issue to the best of our abilities, with the information your provided we did general corrective action. If you remember any specific details please contact us so we may follow up. Kind Regards, BBTNY

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