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Цити: Санкт Петербург
Tue 04 Mar
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Коментара (18)
Jun 2022
Fantastic experience, Chace was fantastic and boat was great. I was extremely impressed with the way that the kids helped us plan our day as well as how the boat was set up. Boat had bluetooth radios, usb charging ports, Garmin GPS unit etc. Will never use anyone else after this experience.
Kelly V
Feb 2022
We rented a pontoon boat from here, the owner was super helpful and made this trip a success! It was very easy. Thankful my partner is an experienced boater- we traveled to Shell Key for part of the day, with the kids and parents. We found beautiful shells and sand dollars (already dead of course). Water was clear and perfect to hang out in. Thank you!
Dec 2021
It was a great day on the water. Enjoyed the company and all was worked well with the boat. Would use company again.