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Бостонски хоп-он хоп-офф обилазак колица са 14 заустављања

Бостонска хоп-он хоп-офф обилазак колица – коју је Форбес прогласио једном од најбољих хоп-он хоп-офф тура на свету – је најлакши начин да се крећете градом!<бр><бр>Искористите попуст на улазницу на атракцијама у околини, погледајте град својим темпом уз неограничене вожње и уживајте у флексибилној рути која има 14 станица широм града.<бр><бр>Ускочите у колица Старог града на било којој од његових станица и седите док сте занимљив водич и наратор ће вас развеселити забавним и едукативним анегдотама о прошлости Бостона. Упознајте култне институције Бостона и лутајте његовим живахним четвртима, од обале до Бејк Беја.<бр><бр>Колица полазе сваких 30 минута. Свака петља траје отприлике 1 сат и 45 минута.<бр><бр>
Цити: Бостон
Thu 07 Nov
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Са почетком у $50.40
Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $50.40
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Попуст на бродове и музеј Бостонске чајанке
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица, обавестите приликом резервације да ли су колица доступна инвалидским колицима је обавезан<ли>Замените свој ваучер за Хисториц Тоурс оф Америца за карту за обилазак колица по Старом граду у Бостону. <ли>Дозвољене су само услужне животиње (животиње за емоционалну подршку и кућни љубимци су искључени).<ли>Обилазак тренутно траје од 21-16 часова сваког дана<ли>Због изградње, стајалиште бр. 8 је тренутно затворено. Извињавамо се због непријатности<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила редовно дезинфицирана
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Коментара (1000)
Nov 2022
I didn't realize upon booking this that the trolleys only come every 20 minutes. I didn't see this information anywhere on the website - it's possible I missed it. We found ourselves waiting for over 20 minutes on a couple of the stops. Then, on one of the stops, the trolley that came was full, so we had to wait another 20 minutes. Waiting for over 40 minutes at one stop was really a waste of time, especially when the reason you are using the Trolley is to save time. We should have just walked to the stops as everything downtown is pretty close - then Uber to anything that was too far to walk. It would have been cheaper and more time effective. I think the Trolley would be OK for bad weather days, but they should be running more frequently, especially if they are full and can't pick up more people on the stops.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Hello, We were sorry to read you are dissatisfied with our tour. We offer a satisfaction guarantee located on the customer service page of our website, trolley tours dot com, under the subheading "our guarantee".
Nov 2022
Our other tour got cancelled so this one saved the day! Buses come frequently and stopped near our hotel, worked out great.
Emily H
Nov 2022
Wanted to rate it higher, but just couldn’t. My parents and I were super excited for this trolley tour of Boston! We got there almost at opening time, 9:20 AM, and were able to hop on one of the first trolleys to leave. Our driver seemed knowledgeable and also added lots of humor to the visit- but if I were to have had children with me I probably would’ve had to hop off because his jokes were definitely not kid friendly. We wanted to do an entire round trip on the trolley before deciding where we wanted to hop off. So after two hours, when all of the stops (except 2 of them) were completed, we decided to stay on and get off at stop 6. However, our driver proceeded to tell us he was being forced to go on a lunch break and we were all going to have to get off the trolley and wait in line to get on another one. My parents and I were very unhappy. The line to get on the next trolley was over 45 minutes wait time- and stop 6 was too far of a walk for my parents! Hence why we paid for the trolley! When I called prior to purchasing tickets, I was told we could ride all day long or get on/off whenever we pleased. I also called Customer Service the day before our ticket date to ask a few questions. At this time, the lady never informed me that our trolley tour was going to be ending a hour prior than scheduled. Upon arrival on the day of, we were told the trolley was going to be ending a hour early for them to do a haunted trolley tour. It would’ve been really nice if our ticket could’ve been cheaper or we would’ve had a heads up about not getting to have that extra hour of time we paid for. It might sound silly, but I had planned out our whole day and scheduled dinner reservations according to the trolley schedule. By being forced off our first trolley, we did learn our first driver was not as informative as we originally thought. The other driver’s we had throughout the day stayed on a script and played different music and things over the speaker, whereas our first driver did absolutely none of that during our two hour initial tour. Lastly, there were two stops on the tour that were “closed.” And once again, there was no heads up on that either! The funny thing is, one of the bus driver’s said “Oh no, I can go to those stops- they’re not closed” (his trolley was full so we couldn’t just “hop on” as advertised) while two other drivers told us that they were closed. So we had to walk to those locations. I still don’t understand why they were closed, because other trolley companies were taking their customers to those stops with no issues. Overall, we left feeling very let down and frustrated. It’s not a cheap ticket to purchase and to get less than half of the experience you expect is a big bummer! We also figured out that every single trolley forces everyone off after the final stop when you’re back at the starting point. We think it’s how they sell so many tickets every day- everyone is forced off of the trolley at stop number 1, you have to stand back in line and get back on the trolley after you’ve completed the final stop. Sadly, not worth the cost and wouldn’t recommend.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Hello, Please accept our apologies for the delays and overloads you experienced. We would like to assure you we monitor ticket sales, dispatch the maximum number of trolleys on high volume days and communicate constantly with our dispatcher to ensure all is being done to assist our guests. We offer a satisfaction guarantee located on the customer service page of our website, trolley tours dot com, under the sub heading "our guarantee".

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