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Улазница за Бусцх Гарденс Тампа Баи

Бусцх Гарденс Африца у Тампи је врхунски породични авантуристички парк, који садржи неупоредиву комбинацију сусрета са животињама, забаве уживо и узбудљивих вожњи светске класе.
Цити: Тампа
Mon 07 Oct
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Mon 07 Oct
Са почетком у $111.59
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Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Тампа<бр>10165 Н МцКинлеи Др,
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица <ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Бебе млађе од 3 године (2 године и 11 месеци) није потребан пријем. Можда ће бити потребан доказ о старости, као што је извод из матичне књиге рођених.<ли>Инвалидска колица су доступна за изнајмљивање по принципу ко први дође први услужен.<ли>Имајте на уму: датум изабран у тренутку резервације. је за планирани датум путовања. Ова карта је само за становнике САД, доказ о пребивалишту се можда проверава на улазу.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Бусцх Гарденс
Бусцх Гарденс, један од најбољих зоолошких вртова у Северној Америци, доводи вас лицем у лице са више егзотичних и угрожених животиња од било које дестинације ван Африке. Припремите се за узбудљиво узбуђење уз СхеиКра - први амерички подметач за роњење. Откријте живописно село смештено међу високим дрвећем, истражите земљиште за игру на 3 спрата са мрежама за пењање и тунелима за истраживање, вините се изнад крошња дрвећа у авантури зип-лајна или покрените у небо из водопада од 35 стопа (10 метара). Затим, дођите лицем у лице са орангутанима и тестирајте своју снагу у потезању конопца са бенгалским тигром, све у Јунгали - јединој џунгли на свету која се игра са вама. За додатну забаву, бирајте између опција комбинованих улазница за СеаВорлд Орландо, Адвентуре исланд Тампа и Акуатица Орландо! Доступни су и целодневни паркинг и неограничени паркинг пакети.
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Коментара (656)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jul 2022
I had a great time at this park but it was definitely not from the staff or the implementation of the Quick Queue lines. I’ve always been against paying extra to cut people in lines and being cut all day wasn’t fun at all. It was definitely unbalanced and it seemed they would let 3 or 4 groups of Quick Queue customers go before the regular group which made time go by so slow in line. The worst was the SandSerpent. The line wasn’t very long but we waited close to an hour to get on this small ride just because people kept getting in the Quick Queue line. The staff for the most part weren’t friendly or outgoing. We bought something at a store and the two staff didn’t acknowledge us and were talking amongst each other during the whole process of checking us out. The ride staff seemed to be just going through the motions and didn’t add to the experience. Of course not all of the staff were like this but I would say close to 80% were. This park has awesome attractions and rides but their staff do not reflect this. The way they interact with guests has a huge impact on experience and it just wasn’t there when we went (July 6th). On a positive note Iron Gwazi was absolutely amazing! (:
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Hello! Thank you for sharing your feedback about our Quick Queue/ stand-by queuing. We regret to read about your experiences with some of our Ambassadors during your visit. We have forwarded your feedback to our leadership team for further internal review and improvement. -MK
Jul 2022
After reading several recent reviews, I honestly was worried about our planned family trip (me, my wife and four teen to early 20’s kids) while on our first visit to Florida and to Busch Gardens today. We had a completely different (and overwhelmingly positive) experience. Here’s the summary, including a couple tips I found that helped. First, the reality: - Florida is hot and humid in the summer. That makes theme parks a hot experience. Should be expected. - yes, a couple of the coaster rides did have breakdowns and we missed going on them. If it had been several and if they had been closed all day, I would understand people being frustrated. In our experience, one was closed all day, one a good portion of the day, and one for just an hour or two. Without defending Busch Gardens, I think this is more common at coaster-oriented theme parks, and somewhat understandably so. There is absolutely no margin for error or saying “that’s close enough” when you are dealing with rides that could be so dangerous if something minor is off. - refreshments and food are expensive at theme parks, sports arenas and concerts. Busch Gardens wasn’t much of any moreso than others. Here’s what we were very pleasantly surprised by: - ride wait times. We went on a wednesday (today, July 6). We got there early when the park opened. For the first two hours, we practically walked on all rides. That included the new Iron Gwazi (we did first), plus Kumba (twice), Congo River Rapids (twice), the Log Flume, Shiekra, Tigris, Sand serpent and Scorpion. - advertised wait times at rides. The park got busier round noon. But for the next several hours, we still had 10-15 minute or so waits on several rides. The three with longer waits all ended up being LESS than advertised. We even did Iron Gwazi again around 5:30 before we left and it was about 40 minutes. - impact of quick express. Those who used quick express (we did not) were managed well and the regular line was integrated well in the queue. Staff seemed well trained on how to do this to give priority to those willing/able to pay extra but it didn’t seem to have an undo impact on our normal queue lines. - staff were friendly and helpful. Yes, not all had huge smiles and acted perky right off the bat, but again, it is hot, muggy and a long day for them. However, ALL were friendly, especially if we smiled and were friendly to them. They were also helpful, answered questions and gave tips, and one at a concessions counter gave us a small discount on our order and topped off my daughter’s drink when he saw her share it with one of her siblings. - most lines are well shaded and have fans to help cool you some. And there are several mister area throughout the park. Again, july In Florida is hot and muggy, so you can’t avoid that. - the security line and the park entrance line were not long. We got their early of course, so maybe when the rush came an hour or so later it might have been worse. But know that and plan around it. Overall, We were there from 10-6:30 (including our half hour break) and did about 16 major rides (including some multiple times). Plus we took the train halfway around the park through the Serengeti, passed through several other animal exhibits, and got to see an alligator feeding as well as a rhino keeper talk (while watching the hulking beast glide effortlessly through the pool). We were all done by dinner time and felt we had a full day by then. Bummed we missed Cheetah Hunt (closed most of day) and Cobra (closed all day), but we left very satisfied. Tips: - pre purchase tickets (and parking) and get there first thing (45 minutes or so before it opens). We arrived at 9:10. Parking wasn’t even open yet but you could queue up in line. We were one of the first cars there. Parking attendants started letting cars in about 9:25. We bypassed park ticket booth since we prepaid and waited in queue line. At about 9:45 they opened park and started letting people through security. We made sure our backpack only had allowed items, which included some bottled waters, sunscreen, ibuprofen, a portable phone battery charger, and room for hats, sunglasses and phones when we went on rides. We were in park and heading to rides within 10 minutes max. - buy an all day transferable locker pass for $10. Lockers are at all major rides and it was easy to get a different locker from ride to ride. - pay for premier parking leave a cooler lunch in the car. We paid $15 extra for premier parking and brought a cooler with sandwiches and snacks that we left in the car. The premier parking is very close to the park entrance and doesn’t require a shuttle (a bonus also when you are leaving and the shuttle line is a little long). You can exit and re-enter the park as long as you keep your original ticket and have ID to prove it’s you. This gave us a welcome 30 minute break from the heat as we started the car, turned the A/C on, and enjoyed an inexpensive lunch. Well worth the extra $15 as it did save us a meal cost in the park. And it was a nice quick break.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Hello! We are thrilled to read about your visit to our park and your experience with our ride operations. “Making Friends is Our Business” has been our company philosophy since its inception, and we are always glad to know when members of our staff have been able to do just that. Thank you for taking the time to share this feedback and we hope to see you again soon! -CL
Jul 2022
It was ok. I enjoyed seeing all the animals and it wasn’t overwhelming . The park wasn’t too crowded either. There were several attractions that closed early and I felt like the park could have been lit up better at night.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to reach out about this experience. We certainly regret to read about any temporary ride closures during this visit and hope to see you again soon. -CL

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