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Чарлстонски духови слободе са водичем

На турнеји Гхостс оф Либерти у Гхост Цити-у видећете Уклети Чарлстон на потпуно нов начин. Гледаћете Свети град кроз паранормално сочиво оних који су ризиковали живот и тело за Чарлстон и за рађање нације.<бр><бр>Комбиновање аспеката чувених Чарлстонских прича о духовима са мање познатим уклетим причама о Светом Цити, тхе Гхостс оф Либерти Тоур је никад виђени увид у духове Чарлстона који су се, док су живели, тако храбро борили да одрже град уједињеним.<бр><бр>
Цити: Цхарлестон
Sat 28 Dec
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Sat 28 Dec
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Олд Екцханге & Провост Дунгеон
Свратите у Тхе Олд Екцханге & Провост Дунгеон, једну од најуклетијих зграда у Чарлстону. Од касних 1600-их, размена и тамница постоје у овом или оном облику. Некада ограђени затвор, био је уточиште за оне који траже слободу, као и мрачно и језиво место за затворенике ухваћене на погрешној страни ауторитета.
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Коментара (391)
Melanie J
Aug 2020
This was the best night tour we've ever done. The guide makes all the difference and ours was GREAT!! If you get the opportunity, go with Don't, he was amazing. Hilarious and informative, we have never had such a good time on a walking tour.
Jul 2020
We booked the night tour and arrived at the fountain 15 minutes prior to the tour at 10pm. Weren't sure who we would be meeting, but after we lingered around a bit, a guy did ask if we were there for the tour and we said yet. He said make yourself at home as we are waiting on more people to show up. Me and my daughter proceeded to sit on the park bench immediately behind him and the girl he was standing with. A few more people showed up and were talking to him. Then another couple showed up and it looked like they were getting ready for the tour so me and my daughter walked over there and they were just heading up the street, so we began to follow and the other girl who was still standing there asked if we were there for the tour and we said yes, and she said did you check in and we said yes. She said you can't go with them because they already have 8 people, so we had to wait with her until more people arrived for the scheduled tour. My daughter had really wanted that guy as our tour guide as she read the reviews and his name kept coming up as being really good, so we were disappointed that we were the first ones to check in with him and then we weren't part of his group. Some parts of the tour lost our attention like the long story in the bloody alley where the tour guide talked about the dualing that took place there. It seemed like we were in that alley for a good 15 minutes listening to the stories and it was quite hot with not much air movement through there. The rest of the tour was ok, but nothing spectacular. It's always nice to learn a bit of history on these types of tours though. Tour ended up being just over 90 minutes long.
Jul 2020
Scary. Not from ghosts but from risk of COVID. Guide Camden checked everyone in without his “mask” which was a bandana around his neck. When we asked if the other tour customers (a family) would wear a mask, the guide said he “couldn’t make them” despite a county mask mandate and international pandemic. The man (customer) said he would not wear a mask. He said “My money is as good as your’s” (?) and “me and my buddies never wear a mask and I don’t care!” Camden started the tour with the man and his family and left us standing there on the phone w his supervisor who was equally apathetic and said I could “call Viator for a refund”. We caught up w another group that was masked and completed the tour even though that guide took her mask down to talk. She was nice and apologetic but not a very interesting tour. Saw another tour company with tour guides wearing face shields and all customers masked so it could be done. Which we had skipped this one!

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