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Чарлстонски духови слободе са водичем

На турнеји Гхостс оф Либерти у Гхост Цити-у видећете Уклети Чарлстон на потпуно нов начин. Гледаћете Свети град кроз паранормално сочиво оних који су ризиковали живот и тело за Чарлстон и за рађање нације.<бр><бр>Комбиновање аспеката чувених Чарлстонских прича о духовима са мање познатим уклетим причама о Светом Цити, тхе Гхостс оф Либерти Тоур је никад виђени увид у духове Чарлстона који су се, док су живели, тако храбро борили да одрже град уједињеним.<бр><бр>
Цити: Цхарлестон
Mon 23 Sep
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Mon 23 Sep
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Олд Екцханге & Провост Дунгеон
Свратите у Тхе Олд Екцханге & Провост Дунгеон, једну од најуклетијих зграда у Чарлстону. Од касних 1600-их, размена и тамница постоје у овом или оном облику. Некада ограђени затвор, био је уточиште за оне који траже слободу, као и мрачно и језиво место за затворенике ухваћене на погрешној страни ауторитета.
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Коментара (391)
Aug 2017
Went on the Ghosts of Liberty tour which is the more tamer family version and I was worried I would be bored but thanks to our guide Franklin it was a fantastic experience. There were great bits of history and facts about the town I had no clue about, some of it pretty creepy. Franklin kept the group engaged and had a lot of interaction with everyone and had us laughing as well as learning. I'd love to go on a different tour with Franklin. Ask for him, you won't be disappointed at all.
Aug 2017
My wife and I did the 10 PM Death and Depravity tour - Lance was our tour guide and he was awesome - it was almost like hanging out with a buddy from home, he made everyone feel welcome, answered all questions and was funny, witty and very knowledgeable. He also gave us great recommendations on where to eat (we stayed in Folly Beach) - we tried them both and both places were beyond our expectations, just fantastic. The tour ran about 2 hours but I wish it would have been longer to see some more sights and learn more about history in Charleston!
Alex O
Aug 2017
My husband and I went on the Death and Depravity Tour. It took about 90 minutes and had about 6 stops, covering approximately a mile and a half. Lance, our tour guide, was entertaining, informative, and funny. He related a bunch of the city's history and, in particular, how it related to macabre or seamy events. The tour is R-rated because of the mature content (prostitution, executions, torture, murder, etc). But, it isn't a ghost tour, per se. Lance did talk about ghost sightings, and you will visit graveyards (you're not permitted to enter them because they're either under renovation or off limits to the public); but don't expect to actually see any ghosts or paranormal activity. It's all in good fun, and part of the entertainment of the tour is visiting some of the places at night. The city has a very different character after 10pm. Lance was a great guide. He has a salty sense of humor, and knows his history.

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