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Цити Цлимб: Ултимате Скисцрапинг Адвентуре ат Едге

Ништа вас не може припремити за осећај да сте највиша особа у Њујорку. Пењете се са групом, али се нагињате сами. Уз ваш адреналин и убрзање срца, вирите преко ивице са градом испод. <бр><бр>Цити Цлимб је највиша грађевина на свету. Пењачи се пењу на спољашњост небодера више од 1.200 стопа изнад земље, а затим се нагињу и гледају доле са највише отворене платформе у Њујорку. То је авантура за разлику од било које друге на свету и достигнуће које ћете памтити до краја живота. <бр><бр>Након вашег успона, доживите Едге укључен у вашу карту. Едге је највиша палуба на отвореном на западној хемисфери са јединственим дизајном. Закачен је у ваздуху, дајући вам осећај да лебдите на небу са погледом од 360 степени који не можете добити нигде другде.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $201.42
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Учесници Цити Цлимб-а морају испунити следећа ограничења или ће им бити одбијен улазак: Узраст: 13+; Висина: 4.9фт - 6.7фт; Максимална тежина: 310 лбс; Не може бити под утицајем алкохола. Пењачи од 13-17 година морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе (18+). Пењачи морају да говоре и разумеју енглески.
Шта да очекујете
Едге НИЦ
Едге је највиша палуба на отвореном на западној хемисфери са јединственим дизајном.
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Коментара (9)
Oct 2022
I enjoyed and appreciated the safety concerns put in place. Our equipment was checked and checked and checked again. We were clipped onto the railing system with 2 huge carabiners, one in front and one in the back. Then there was a 3rd one latched to our middle until we got up on the actual platform at the top of the climb. I am 71 years of age and I did this with my 16 year old granddaughter. I was very apprehensive but this is something she wanted to do on her first trip to NYC and the other 2 people in our group were physically unable to do this, but you have to be 18 to go up alone so I swallowed my fears and off we climbed. OMG it was awesome. I did not do the leaning part but my fearless granddaughter did. I would do it again. It was thrilling. Our main guide was Dexter and he was very conscious about all the safety features being checked and checked. It takes a good hour for all of the safety procedures and gear to be put in place. Overall it takes about 2 1/2 hours and worth every minute. The reason for the 4 stars is the companion part where others in the party are supposed to be able to watch the climb. Well, the climb itself cannot be watched but there is a way to see the lean if you are properly advised of the timing the group reaches the top and which side to look at. Would you really know it was your party you were seeing...without binoculars, no but you could pretend or you could be put in a certain location and offered binoculars to use. No reason why there could not be communication of some sort to accommodate this. The other 2 members of our party paid to go to the Edge platform under the assumption they would be able to "watch" but this was not the case. Also, since there is a very long wait for non climbing party members as stated above, it is very inconvenient to hang out on the Edge platform where there are no rest rooms or even any decent snacks. Lots of alcohol vendors and candy, chips. But to have folks hang out and wait for 2 plus hours with no bathroom is a bit much. As I said, I would do to again with someone else but would advise anyone else in my party not climbing to wait a couple of hours then come up to enjoy the view. The other issue was there were very few items of interest in the gift shop for The Climb but tons for the Vessel which you can no longer visit on your own. I was very disappointed in the selection.
Oct 2022
Highly recommended for those who enjoy heights - after this, all skyscraper viewing platforms will seem tame. Not cheap at $185.00 plus tax, but you get your money's worth. Safety regulations are rigorously and repeatedly followed. After orientation, you will take the elevator to the 100th-floor viewing area, where you will don your jumpsuit and safety harness. The harness will be checked (4 times) and attached to a sled that is locked onto a heavy safety rail for the whole trip outside. You now step outside and ascend to a platform about 104 stories high, with a view down to the street. Your guide will point out a few sights. This must also serve to give those who panic a chance to step back inside before they commit to the rest of the climb. You then ascend an exterior staircase (no guard rail, but you are firmly tethered) to the upper platform at about 110 stories. You are encouraged to lean out facing outwards (supported by your harness). After this each person individually can lean out backwards for photographs and video, before you are lead back into the infrastructure. Afterwards you may linger on the regular 100th floor viewing platform. The experience is exhilarating but entirely safe - you could not fall or even escape the safety mechanisms if you tried. Points to note The experience takes a good two hours and cannot be shortened (and no bathroom breaks). Tickets specify "rain or shine" so be sure that weather and visibility will be good before booking. Avoid very hot days (you must wear a full jumpsuit and climb about 8 stories outdoors). You must place all loose objects except eyeglasses and wedding rings. in a locker so no cell phones or cameras (they will check). Photographs are available for $20, You will receive a free video of your climb, but you may not see much of yourself if you are towards the end of the line of climbers. However, it will include an individual shot of you leaning backwards off the top platform. There are weight (310 lb) and height restrictions. You cannot climb if intoxicated (you will be breath tested). The top platform overlooks the regular viewing platform about 10 floors below, so it is not a straight view down to the street.
Oct 2022
Safety is a big focus here. Takes a lot of time for prep. Gabe & James and the rest of the team are awesome. They make the effort to make sure you get a great experience of course. I’m fortunate to meet awesome people to do this activity together. I would say we had a good time. I wish it was dusk, but it was dark. That’s when NYC dazzles. This activity may not be for everyone. If heights freaks you out, don’t do it. I love body-and-soul-separating activities, not because I’m an adrenaline junkie. I do regret my choices for the first 3 seconds and the rest is pure euphoria, so I do it. The views of NYC up there never ceases to amaze me.

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