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Придружите се овом трочасовном обиласку хране за мале групе да бисте уживали у 6+ дегустација хране у једном од најбољих америчких градова хране са професионалним водичем. Пијуцкајте алкохолна пића (ако је изабрана опција) на одабраним локацијама. Истражите архитектуру овог историјског главног града док слушате фасцинантне приче о историји и посматрајте уметност и културу док шетате кроз уметнички кварт Довнцити. Обилазак је ограничен на највише 14 људи како би се осигурала персонализована услуга и укључује мапу и водич који нуди препоруке за даље истраживање.<бр><бр>
Цити: Провиденце
Mon 23 Sep
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Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $89.00
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<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Молимо да дођете 15 минута раније ради пријаве, полазак почиње одмах у 12 часова.<ли>Укључена је умерена количина ходања,1 мала нагиб, прибл. 1,8 ми (2,89 км)<ли>Молимо вас да у тренутку резервације обавестите о свим специфичним прехрамбеним потребама или алергијама.<ли>Доступне су вегетаријанске замене, ако је потребно, обавестите их у тренутку резервације.<ли>Песцатариан дијета се може сместити на неким локацијама, али не на свим, молимо вас да обавестите приликом резервације ако је потребно<ли>Поврат новца неће бити издат ако обилазак/активност пропустите због кашњења или недоласка ли><ли>Минимална старосна доб за пиће је 21 годину, ако изаберете карту за храну и алкохол више.<ли>Деца од 8 и више година морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе, млађа од 8 година се не препоручује<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно временским приликама<ли>Молимо вас да посаветујете све госте у вашој групи да понесу готовину за напојнице водича, ако уживате у обиласку.<ли>Ношење маски. у свим ресторанима је обавезан, осим ако се не једе.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи који су били обавезни да редовно буду х руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне у свим ресторанима.
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Коментара (109)
Sep 2021
The Downcity Providence Food Tour hosted by Rhode Island Red food tours was excellent BUT spending the 1st – 1 hour/15minutes and only stopping at one restaurant. There were a total of 6 food stops – 5 of them packed back to back with only the last three stops that provided the alcohol which we paid extra for. It would’ve been better if they spaced out the food stops evenly and served the alcohol towards the beginning for those that were driving. Booking through Tripadvisor was easy BUT then I was contacted again from Rhode Island Red food tours and had to submit all the information again for all the people in our party and I was traveling from California. Our tour guide Katie was a bit much to say the least. She really didn’t need to go in great detail about her background in the food service industry and she was kind of bossy. The cultural part I thought was going to be more about the restaurant industry, Johnson & Wales school and the effect it has impacted Providence as a whole. Overall the food was EXCELLENT!!!!!!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2021
Thank you for taking the tour and the time to review us. We tried to talk some of those restaurants into relocating to a more convenient location for our seasonal tour so we could space out the drinks and stops but they seemed to be resistant to that idea. Although it is easy to judge how things could be done better there are many factors that that go into putting a tour together and tie our hands, like the hours restaurants are open, not back tracking on the same streets, who can serve alcohol, how long at each stop and what time a restaurant allows us to visit and many more. It just so happens that the 30% of our tour which is history, art and culture is in the 30-45 minutes between the 1st tasting and 2nd but it is a very important part of our tour which we have found most people do appreciate. I think you are misconstruing our guide’s managing the tour as being bossy. It’s important to understand it is the guides job to keep the tours moving in a timely manner because our restaurant partners are expecting us at a certain time so you can have the food served at the right temperature the way they want it to be served. I ask the guides to share their backgrounds it’s an opportunity for the guests to learn about each other, find commonality and get to know each other for a more enjoyable afternoon together. We consider her background in the food industry an asset. Regarding my reaching out to you for further necessary information, again it is not as simple as you make it sound. There is certain information that does not translate over to our ticketing platform, like guests contact information which we need due to covid, dietary restrictions and the booking persons email, so we can forward our own instructions and changes to the tour if we need to.We also like to know where are guests are coming from as small business. Believe me it’s more time consuming on our end to have to do that, I hate it however their platform does not sync perfectly with our own since they are a 3rd party site, though we appreciate the business they send us. At the end of the day, I doubt the 3 alcohol samples served with the amount of food you received left anyone too intoxicated if so we will have to reduce it though I expect that won’t go over well with most guests. But that all said, we’re really happy to hear the food choices were EXCELLENT by your high standards, so thank goodness we did something right!
Sep 2021
My husband, tween daughter and I love food and we always try to do a food tour whenever we visit a new city. The Rhode Island Red Food Tour was our 6th and it was definitely one of the best ones we've experienced. Mary, our tour guide, was amazing! She was enthusiastic, full of energy and very knowledgeable about the food and history of Providence. She was very accommodating and took care of everyone's needs throughout the tour. She even walked my family back to the area where we parked to make sure we didn't get lost. This tour was the highlight of our 3-day visit to Providence and a huge part of what made it so special was Mary! We made 6 stops and tried 6 different items and every single one was delicious. The great thing about going on food tours is that you get to try foods you may not know to try on your own. That was definitely the case on this tour. We went to places we would have overlooked and got to try amazing stuff! So don’t wait any longer. Go ahead and book this tour.
Aug 2021
I had never been on a food tour and this was really great first experience with 6 stops. Despite the brutal heat, our guide Katy kept us entertained and upbeat at every step, we barely noticed it. The pace was perfect, interesting history and other Providence lore. Excellent food and several of the restaurants really spent time with us and were most welcome. When not available Katy filled in for them. Drinks and food at Dirk's Barbecue fantastic and Dune Brothers and Yoleni's were standouts. Malted Barley - what can I say-hot out of the oven pretzels and craft beers and cider - go there and be wowed. After all that other food I did not sample the last place Kin's strawberry cobbler, as I was too full, but looked amazing and all others very happy. Staff super friendly and I would want to return there for a meal.

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