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Обилазак авионом Евергладес из Форт Лодердејла

Истражите Флорида Евергладес у Евергладес Холидаи Парку који се налази у Форт Лаудердале-у уз обилазак ваздушним чамцем,<бр><бр>Започните своје искуство клизећи преко реке траве на 60-минутној турнеји ваздушним чамцем Евергладес са најискуснијим Гладесменима у Јужној Флориди . Уочите егзотичне дивље животиње изблиза, укључујући диносауруса предака Флориде, америчког алигатора. Уз велике брзине, свеж ваздух и мноштво узбуђења, туре ваздушним чамцем Евергладес-ом одржавају енергију целе породице уз неке од најбољих разгледања Флориде.<бр><бр>Имајте на уму: ова карта је само за обилазак ваздушним чамцем.
Цити: Форт Лодердејл
Mon 23 Sep
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Са почетком у $41.56
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $41.56
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Коментара (1000)
dan b
Apr 2018
We did the 1-Hour tour. The best part of course is the 3 speed runs, do wish there were more of those, but our "tour guide", Chris, made everything incredibly interesting. It's been years since I've been on any sort of airboat, but I never remember a guide who's made things also somewhat educational and that added a different spin to things. We certainly walked about learning a few interesting facts, like making a Band-Aid. Overall we thought the price was right before we even pulled into the parking lot. But after getting our picture taken and getting the printed picture for free we were pleasantly surprised. Then, there's a 10 minute alligator show you also get to take in. Now, the show itself wasn't all that, but it was still interesting the few little things they do, but then you get to take another picture, for free, and get the print, again for free that the value this place delivers is just amazing. Anywhere else the pictures alone could have quite possibly cost $25-30... If you're in the area, looking for something different to do with a few hours to spare, do yourself a favor and check this place out.
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Hi Dan, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. We're glad you enjoyed the speed runs so much that you wish there were more! We will be sure to pass your lovely compliments along to Captain Chris. We're happy to hear you gained new knowledge about the Everglades! We hope you look back on your photos with us and remember the awesome day you had. Thank you for recommending us, and we hope to see you around the park again!
Stephanie M
Apr 2018
My friend and I decided to stop here after our cruise before headed to the FLL airport thinking it would kill some time. Little did we know if would be one of the best things we did our entire vacation! We started off with the air boat ride around the everglades where we saw lots of alligators, birds, and fish. Captain Dylan had knowledge and personality for days. His tour was by far the best part of the excursion. After the air boat we had a couple minutes to stop in the gift shop where I picked up a stuffed alligator for my daughter and a cool drink to enjoy during the handling show which was put on by Gator Boy himself, Paul. Paul is hilarious, fearless, and passionate. You can tell he really loves the animals and puts on a great demonstration. Overall, I am so happy we decided to make a stop here!
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Hi Stephanie, first and foremost thank you for taking the time to write such a great review! We're so glad you decided to kill some time with us. We're thrilled you enjoyed your tour with Captain Dylan, we will definitely pass your compliments along to him! Paul takes great pride in what he does, and we're happy you enjoyed his show! We love hearing what an awesome time you had, and we hope to see you again in the future the next time you're in town! Maybe next time your daughter will be able to come!
Apr 2018
Went on an organised tour to go on an airboat ride through the canals. Good excursion but only saw 1 alligator but did enjoy the commentary by the driver of the airboat on the history of the Everglades. A special surprise was the show put on by one of the Gator Boys. It was amazing. He was in the enclosed pen and water with the gators - he talk about how they had been rescued - he cuddled them, kissed them , dragged them around, put his face in their mouth - I was too scared to clap. Gator Boy does this show 2 days a week during certain seasons - he is not paid for it but relies on donations as he is setting up sanctuaries for the gators that are caught in people’s houses or on golf courses other wise they would be killed as that is the law in Florida. Must do attraction.
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Thank you so much for sharing your comments with us. We're glad you enjoyed your excursion with your captain! The gator show is definitely an experience, and we're thrilled you were able to see Paul in action. He loves these gators as if they are his own children and does everything he can to protect them! We hope to have you back for another adventure.

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