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Флорида Биолуминесценце Кајакинг Тоур | Хауловер канал (Титусвилле)

Биолуминисценција Флориде је путовање кајаком број 1 у области Орландо, Цоцоа Беацх. Налазимо се око сат времена од тематских паркова Универсал Студиос и Тхе Валт Диснеи ворлд ареа. Наше „туристичке туре или визиторске туре“, како би их мештани назвали, идеалне су за романтично вече на води или експедицију у име науке са малишанима (све док су старији од 5 година). Наши туристички водичи ће вас водити кроз лагуну реке Индијан и показати вам нешто заиста магично док се крећемо кроз стазе мангрова и плитке равнице лагуне.<бр><бр>Провешћемо лежерних 90 минута на води током Можда ћете желети да оставите камеру код куће за ову екскурзију, јер је биолуминисценцију веома тешко фотографисати осим ако немате професионалну опрему.
Цити: Цоцоа Беацх
Sat 08 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $60.00
Sat 08 Mar
Са почетком у $60.00
Шта је укључено
Наше биолуминисцентне туре кајаком трају око 90 минута. Донекле ћете се покиснути, па планирајте да понесете пешкире и обуците одговарајућу обућу.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Сва подручја и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице ли><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Наше биолуминисцентне туре кајаком трају око 90 минута. Донекле ћете се покиснути, па планирајте да понесете пешкире и обуците одговарајућу обућу.<ли>Шпиц сезоне је јул-октобар, а запажања се јављају тек у јануару.<ли>МЕСТО ЛАНСИРАЊА: Канал Хауловер. , Титусвилле; и Киванис Исланд Парк, Мерит Ајленд<ли>ДУЖИНА ПУТОВАЊА: 90 МИНУТА<ли>УКЉУЧЕНО: КАЈАК, ПФД, ВЕСЛА И ХЕПИ ВОДИЧИ<ли>МАКСИМАЛНА ТЕЖИНА: 300 ЛБС ЗА ЈЕДАН , И 600ЛБС ЗА ТАНДЕМ<ли>УЗРАС: 5+<ли>ПРИЈЕДЛОЗИ ДА ПОнесете: ВОДЕНУ ОБУЋУ, СПРЕЈ ЗА БУБЕ, ПЕШКИР, КРЕМА ЗА СУНЧАЊЕ, ГОТОВИНУ ЗА САВЕТЕ (опционално) И БОЦУ ВОДЕ
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (196)
Brian T
Aug 2019
I am not a paid reviewer !!! We took the tour on Sat 8/10/19 and had a great time. This was our first kayaking experience and after the first couple minutes we had it down. Both Josh and KC were awesome, Very knowledgeable of the water and bird island. If I lived closer I would be doing this again and again. You can't go wrong with this tour, A+ !!!
Aug 2019
So, let me just say please get really good directions and make sure you get good cell phone service before you go. It is way out there in pitch black on dirt roads with no signs or markings on where to go. We got incredibly lost and had no cell service to make a phone call. We ended up missing the event and waited in our car to see if we could go out for the 11:00 pm time. Unfortunately, unknown to us, you have to book your time at least 4 hours in advance. Make a long story short, we wasted like 4 hours, didn’t get to do the kayaking, and were denied a refund! Fun times!!!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Hello, thank you for your feedback. It is always unfortunate when someone misses thier tour. But at the end of the day, everyone recieves the same confirmation email. While we do understand that turn by turn instructions are so 1980, we do provide them, along with a Googlemaps link to the exact place our vehicle is parked. 1). We do not provide refunds for those who do not show up, regardless of the excuse, (medical emergencies aside). It's hard to believe that your link didn't work, when there are 30 other guests, on time, from out of country, that all made it by 8:30, as the confirmation email instructed. 2) you were 45 minutes late. 3) our bookings close out 4 hours before launch time to allow us to be prepared for a predetermined number of people. 4) our guides have families, and that means babysitters for some, babysitters are hard to come by, so we respect thier time as we do our customers time. So if there is not already an 11pm tour scheduled to follow the 9pm launch time, we will not open the 11pm launch time from on site. You were not offered a refund, you were, however, offered a raincheck, good for up to 5 yrs from purchase. (Which is not something we would normally do) It would be our suggestion, that when you claim your raincheck in the future, that you do your due diligence and check the map, check your route, do the thing's you need to do ahead of time, so that you arrive on time and don't hold a group of 30 people up, who did check the map ahead of time, to arrive punctually. I am the owner, who happened to be on site and answered the phone for you. I am surprised by this review after our conversation that night. While everyone is entitled to a review, we accept yours for what it is.
Aug 2019
I didn't know what to expect, but this experience left me speechless!! It's hard to put into words, but amazing, beautiful and fascinating are as close as I can get. This is one experience you must not miss. Worth every cent, even the few mosquito bites were worth it! Guides were very knowledgeable. Can't wait until it cools down to see the bioluminescent jellyfish.

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