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Целодневна кајакашка авантура у Евергладесу

Евергладес кајакаштво и авантура у најбољем издању! Уживајте у еко турнеји у Евергладесу и доживите природу на најбољи могући начин из најбоље оцењене туре Евергладеса. Ова тура је права ствар и можете искусити лепоту и узбуђење Евергладеса без буке ваздушног чамца или велике групе. <бр>Покушавамо да ограничимо наше групе на 8-10, али можемо лако прихватити веће групе уз напредно обавештење.
Цити: Флорида
Wed 20 Nov
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Са почетком у $189.74
Wed 20 Nov
Са почетком у $189.74
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Коментара (492)
Patty S
Mar 2015
We found this activity on TripAdvisor and after reading the comments booked the half day tour. WOW, the reviews cannot do it justice! It was surreal gliding through the Everglades in the kayaks. Garl was wonderful and extremely knowledgeable. Booking the tour was easy and email instructions were sent to us detailing what we should bring. Suzette even sent us the pictures Garl took that afternoon. This excursion was the highlight of our vacation. We were sorry we did not book the full day! We will definitely be back. Thank you Garl for all memories!
Kathryn D
Mar 2015
My husband and I are avid birders from Boston. We don't often hire guides, but since this was our first time in the Everglades I thought it would be a good idea. We actually paid a bit (though not a lot) extra for a private tour. And if you have a specific interest as we did I would say this was well worth the extra. Garl's was recommended by our hotel in Key Largo and seeing the reviews on Trip Ad I expected a fun and interesting experience. I did not expect the unforgettable birding experience that we got, and would have been content just seeing the Everglades and a few birds! What a wonderful surprise to meet our truly expert and enthusiastic birding guide, Don. Honestly, he was as interested in seeing the birds as us and his inside knowledge of the various habitats within the Everglades gave us a local's experience. We appreciated that Don took us to some of the less touristy or well-known sites (for example he pointed out Anhinga Trail as we drove past - which is easily accessible and we explored on our own another day). Don really went above and beyond even taking us to look for owls into the evening. All told (and we aren't "twitchers"- for non-birders that's birders who go to great lengths to add to their lists) we saw about 70 bird species including several life birds and had so many beautiful and memorable sightings. We truly appreciated both Don's avid enthusiasm for birds and nature in general AND his personable, relaxed attitude and flexibility which made the day fun. I will say that the trip was pricey... but it seems that all guided trips in this area are. I'll also say that we would not hesitate to go on a trip with Garl's if we are ever in the area again! Truly a special experience!
Dan L
Mar 2015
My 13-year-old son wasn't happy that I signed us up for the full-day tour. As we drove back to the hotel at the end of the day he talked about returning next year and adding Garl's snorkeling tour too. It was a fantastic day -- and we do intend to return. We saw the park during the dry season (March) and it would be fun to have Garl show us the park again during the wet season. We met Garl at the "Robert Is Here" fruit stand (get a tropical fruit milkshake; you'll be glad that you did) then went to Everglades National Park for the tour. The day was broken up into four main parts: a hike, a freshwater kayak trip, a saltwater kayak trip and a night walk. The tour began at noon and ended after 10:00 pm. Each part of the tour was fun and beautiful. We saw unique places, exotic plants, birds, reptiles, fish and lots of alligators. Garl is super nice and we learned so much from him. It was a warm, sunny day and I was a bit tired at the end of the kayaking; I wasn't sure that I was ready for the night walk but it turned out to be one of the (many) highlights of the trip. It wasn't scary or tiring -- just super exciting. Thank you Garl for sharing the park with us in such a fun and memorable way!

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