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Целодневна кајакашка авантура у Евергладесу

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Цити: Флорида
Tue 24 Dec
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Са почетком у $189.74
Tue 24 Dec
Са почетком у $189.74
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Коментара (492)
Jun 2011
My wife and I did the full day adventure with Garl. There was a nice family of 4 with us as well. We started in Key Largo and rode with Garl to the Everglades (recommended so that you can pick his brain of nature knowledge). The first stop is Robert Is Here, a cool fruit stand with exotic fruits and milkshakes. Stock up! Garl took us on short hikes to alligator water holes and cypress domes. Our trip was during a drought, so water levels were extremely low. The highlight of the trip was kayaking in Nine Mile Pond. We kayaked very close to at least 30 alligators! Have no fear; the gators eat fish, not people. We watched a gator eat a snook as he played with it on the shore. We saw many birds up close including black vultures, egrets, anhinga, wood storks, herons, ibis, and spoonbills. Bring your binoculars! Then we drove down to Flamingo and saw a crocodile and osprey. The winds were too high (21 mph) and from the east, so we couldn't kayak the ocean. Too bad, because Garl said he has seen sharks, dolphins, and manatees there. Garl felt bad about the high winds; so on the way back to Key Largo, he asked us if we wanted to kayak at night. We headed out (with Garl's dog River) and had a wine toast on our kayaks at sunset. Then we kayaked to a small island in the dark with flashlights and saw horseshoe crabs, arrow crabs, scallops, sponges, and other fish, as well as a bird rookery. If you have any interest in nature and adventure, do this trip! You will love it! Garl is a great guy. Bring a camera, binoculars, sun block, deet, and clothes that can get dirty or wet. The mosquitoes were pretty bad; so long sleeve clothes may help. Also, if possible, plan your trip when winds are low, so that you can kayak more, further and faster. Most of all, enjoy your day with Garl!!!
May 2011
If you are looking for a trip with a little adventure and a look at Florida's real natural wonders with an expert guide who is jazzed about the Everglades, loves nature and is a sweet guy, try this outing. Garl's knowledge and enthusiasm for the Everglades is obvious and so is his ability to show things that an average person would never be able to see in the Park without Garl's local knowledge. Wear shoes and clothing that can get a little wet or muddy and bring plenty of sunscreen. Garl will make sure you stay hydrated and includes a cool side trip to a local fruit stand to stock up on yummy local fruit for the trip. (Don't miss the key lime milkshakes. They are fantastic!} We chose this outing as something to do after a week of scuba diving before we had to fly home and it was the highlight of our trip.
May 2011
I have been on three trips with Garl now and it will never get old. There is always some kind of great adventure around the corner on his trips. I've seen alligators, crocodiles, and even saw fish on his trips. He teaches you so much about the everglades that you could never learn from a book or venturing out on your own.

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