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Целодневна кајакашка авантура у Евергладесу

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Цити: Флорида
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $189.74
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $189.74
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Коментара (492)
Jul 2011
Garl's Coastal Kayaking is so great. Garl knows the everglades better than anyone I have ever met. He is also extremely knowledgeable about the animal and plant life in the Everglades and seems to never miss anything to point out for you to see. He takes you for an adventure of a lifetime in a full day trip of the Everglades including Kayaking, hiking and doing something I do not think that anyone would ever do without Garl's guidance and that is going hiking in the Everglades Back Country no trails just back into the Everglades alligator holes where you will likely see alligators swim by in their natural hidden habitat, you will likely see birds, fish, reptiles, etc. Don't worry Garl knows how to keep you safe but see things you would never see on your own. If you want to go on a trip you will remember for a lifetime give Garl a call. Oh he is also a very, very nice person too.
Jun 2011
My husband and I just returned from a week long Keys vacation. Our trip with Garl to the Everglades was one of the most fun, interesting, and totally different things we did on our trip. Garl is a naturalist, he literally walks around the everglades without shoes...which at first made me worried because he insisted that everyone wear long pants and long sleeve shirts for the tour...but he was right, of course. Had I trekked to gator holes in my shorts and tank top I would have been cut by razor grass and eaten alive by mosquitos. If you go, bring some lightweight pants and longsleeves to wear. And don't bother with a bathing suit - you're probably better off with some good activewear - you'll get a little wet while kayaking, but not "bathing suit" wet. You will see all kinds of cool plants, birds, trees, marine life, and reptiles on this trip. We actually went during a drought and Garl was upset that we didn't get to see any snakes...until we were leaving the park and he saw one crossing the road...so he immediately pulled the car over so we could see the "largest king snake" he's seen in the glades. Really, if you want to see the Everglades, see them with Garl. You won't regret it! *You will return to Key Largo relatively late (we got back around 10:00 PM on a Sunday). We had eaten a late lunch in the park at a cafe, but when we returned to Key Largo, we wanted some dinner. Because of the day and time, we didn't have many options for dinner, so I would suggest having something prepped earlier or plan on eating Wendy's or some other fast food. Generally, I try not to eat fast food while on vacation, but we had to break our rule that night. No biggie, just a head's up.
Jun 2011
My wife & I enjoyed the half day tour and wished we'd had time for the full day. Garl met us in Key Largo and drove us to the Everglades where our first stop had us kayaking just feet from gators through fetid mangrove swamp that was bustling with wildlife. Garl expertly guided us and took pictures on request. He was a wealth of information and obviously loved his work if you can call it that! Next we went to Florida Bay and before we'd even got into the water were greeted by Manatees and a large saltwater croc. We then paddled the calm waters as Garl identified each bird we came across. We stopped to marvel at a baby croc and the beautiful Roseate Spoonbills as the fish jumped out of the water around us. As we headed back Garl chose a perfect spot to enjoy the spectacular sunrise and cracked open a bottle of wine to enjoy while a lemon shark cruised languidly around our kayaks. Garl's knowledge and eagle eyes meant that we were able to experience things that the average tourist probably never sees. We didn't see a single other soul on the water and it was as if we had the entire park to ourselves. As we headed back to Key Largo after sunset Garl stopped and took us on a guided nightwalk where we were instantly greeted by a large barn owl feasting on an unfortunate frog. We then saw wolf spiders, all manner of frogs and toads and gators lurking in the dark - their eyes reflecting our flashlight beams. The sounds of the swamp were as amazing as the sights. A crescendo of frogs and insects that was almost deafening at times. We headed back tired and grimy but hugely satisifed and intimately familiar with the wild side of Florida. Garl is a genuinely nice guy who does whatever it takes to ensure that you enjoy your trip. Be sure to bring plenty of sunscreen, bug spray and a sense of adventure. You will get wet and will have to paddle a ways to see the sights but it's a unique experience that you cannot get anywhere else from anybody else. Thank you again Garl. Lori & Matt.

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