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Целодневна кајакашка авантура у Евергладесу

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Цити: Флорида
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $189.74
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $189.74
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Коментара (492)
Aug 2019
Truly an adventure! Learned so much about the Everglades thanks to a very knowledgeable guide. Saw amazing nature. Walking and kayaking were great fun and definitely resulted in a very good night sleep. Highly recommend. Will do it again! Great job Garls
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thanks so much for the review- we strive to show you a fantastic time on a day full of interesting activities. I hope we get to see you back again- every season is an entirely different experience!
Jun 2019
We spent an entire day exploring the Everglades with Garl - crazy awesome experience. Garl has worked with National Geographic and knows his stuff. We went in mid-June and it was very hot and muggy, and mosquitoes were abundant. Garl provided bug tops for everyone, that even had a connected head netting if you needed/wanted it. It was worth it! We started off with a slog in thigh-high water to go check on an alligator nest, upon which sat a momma alligator and she did NOT want us near - hissing and warning us away. We slogged around for a bit, looking for other wildlife without much success, but it was still beautiful and fun. Then we kayaked through some mangroves, again without seeing much, except for a baby croc (a couple of feet long) that was swimming across the boat ramp before we even got in the boats! The real wildlife on our trip was once we had lunch and then headed into the ocean kayaking. We paddled out and around a big bend, seeing a croc laying along the shore line. Garl took us to an area where he referred to as the shark nursery, and we paddled around dozens and dozens of baby sharks! A few bumped against our boat as they swam under us. There were also beautiful big white and pink flocks of birds in the water and flying overhead. We saw a couple of manatees on the paddle back. We stopped in a channel, where we rested and watched the sunset, then finished our paddle back in the dark. Garl drove us back to the boat dock area for bio break, and there were two very large (13 and 15' maybe?) crocs laying across the boat ramps! We drove back to where we had parked, with Garl searching for snakes the entire way! Saw a few, but nothing worth getting out of the car for. My husband and I decided we would definitely go again - but at a different time of year. Because the water was high, the wildlife spread out and was more difficult to spot, plus the heat and bugs were worse in mid June. I think Garl said April was a good time, but if you are interested specifically in this adventure, I would ask them the best time of year to go. And of course, wildlife never follows a set plan! If you already have a trip planned in the summer, it's still worth the adventure, but just bring your bug spray and be flexible :)
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Great review and absolutely in the spirit of a summer trip. The wildlife can be spread out and a bit harder to suss out but we always do our best and generally get great results. The everglades are beautiful in and of themselves so it's always worth the trip. We do provide the mosquito protection for guests comfort and are glad they help out so much. It sure makes for a much more enjoyable day.
Lloyd H
Jun 2019
Garl led an amazing nature hike and kayak tour through the everglades - his knowledge of the Everglades Park and it's flora and fauna are unmatched. I would highly recommend.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thank you Lloyd- we enjoyed having you along and hope we see you on a future tour!

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