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Целодневна кајакашка авантура у Евергладесу

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Цити: Флорида
Wed 20 Nov
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Са почетком у $189.74
Wed 20 Nov
Са почетком у $189.74
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Коментара (492)
Susan A
Feb 2018
I live in the Keys and have enjoyed camping and fishing in the Everglades for many years. When my Canadian friends came to visit I booked a full day with Garl to take us slogging to a gator hole, kayaking at Nine-Mile-Pond and Flamingo, where we watched the sunset while sipping the chilled wine he brought. A moonlight stroll on Anhinga Trail to spot alligators on the way home is also part of the tour. Make sure you get plenty of rest the night before! Ankle-deep in slippery muck on the gator trail, (my favorite part of our tour) I was lucky to have only fallen once, but what fun it was! The Cypress Dome that was home to the Gator Hole looked like a set from a Hobbit movie. Air plants covered the trees and the bright red Cardinal Orchids were blooming. Fairies must live there, it looks so mythical. I have just spent 5 months on a road trip all around our country, and one of my best adventures was right here in my own backyard. Thank you, Garl, for being a great educator and steward for our vulnerable Everglades, and for sharing what you obviously love so much with us.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018
Thanks for the thoughtful review, Susan- we loved having you out on the tour and hope you will return to explore even more since you are close by! Garl and staff
Feb 2018
We love the National Parks, especially hiking, but were unsure how to approach the Everglades, which is basically a swamp, without the usual choices of hiking trails; also, we only had one day to spend. I am SO glad we chose Garl's Coastal Kayaking! Others have accurately described the adventure of the all-day (11 AM to 8 PM) adventure. Yes, you will likely get wet on the "slog," but please note that if you don't have some of the recommended gear (quick-dry pants, water shoes), it is all provided for you at the start. Do bring a lunch & snacks, it's a long day! It was nice when Garl broke out a bottle of wine plus non-alcoholic beverages as we were watching the exquisite sunset from our kayaks. Garl is a seasoned naturalist and talented wildlife photographer who has worked on documentaries with PBS, Disney, etc.; his knowledge of the ecosystems, flora and fauna of the Everglades is encyclopedic, and all of it is shared with you. Although eight of us were signed up that morning (the maximum he takes), he divided us into two groups because one was a family of three with a child for whom the water on the "slog" would've been too deep -- they went with a different guide to another location. Garl is sensitive to the needs and tenor of the group, e.g. checking in with us to see how far we wanted to continue on the salt-water kayak ("the distance we go is the distance we have to come back!"). I do agree with others that is would be good to have introductions at the start of the day, and a rough idea of timing. Needless to say, which animals, fish, and birds you see on a given day are beyond anyone's control, but Garl is an expert at spotting things (e.g. alligators, crocodiles) that the rest of us initially didn't see at all, whether in the water or by the side of the road! Within a day or two, gorgeous photographs of our trip appeared via Dropbox in my email inbox, including better shots of the wildlife than I could ever take. Of our week in Miami and the Keys, this was our favorite day: thank you, Garl.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018
Thanks for the great review! We really appreciate it. Your advice is great- we generally don't do much planning for times, etc because we just don't know what the day will bring and what the guests will want. We prefer to play the day as it goes and make sure everyone has a great adventure without any time constraints to worry about. We are glad we were your favorite and hope to see you again on a future trip! Garl and staff
Feb 2018
Garl and Mike are simply amazing. They are full of information, thoughtful, and considerate. Garl is THE Everglades expert and accompanied us barefoot slogging through this (now I understand) broad, slow moving fresh water river. We experienced both fresh and salt water ecosystems through the eyes of a naturalist. Truly a once in a lifetime experience!!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018
Thanks Kathy- we are all glad to hear you had a great time. We are happy to be one of your once in a lifetime events and hope you remember us for a very long time. Garl and staff

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