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Галвестон је видео застрашујући број изненадних смрти. Безбожни број острва је скупо отишао, али никада није отишао. Њихови духови вребају у сенкама, уличицама, степеницама и свакодневно вребају НА СТРАНД! Историјске зграде из 19. века на СТРАНДУ постале су светилишта духова. А духови унутра само умиру од жеље да вас упознају.<бр><бр>Придружите нам се у нашој 90-минутној пешачкој тури док истражујемо фасцинантна паранормална дешавања на ланцу, оригиналној улици ужаса. Урагани, ратови, пожари и епидемије! Гусар Жан Лафит је чак претворио острво у јазбину лопова. Галвестон има више духова него било који други град у САД<бр><бр>Шетајући у ноћи, прозирне фигуре ће лебдети поред прозора. Изненада ће се појавити сенке и објекти се померају сами од себе док се стиснемо ближе једни другима јер су узајамна заштита. Никада не знамо шта нас чека иза углова. Чувајте се и плашите се! На крају крајева, Галвестон није ништа друго до „гробље са плажом“.
Цити: Галвестон
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $25.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $25.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Приступачно за инвалидска колица
Шта да очекујете
Музеј железнице Галвестон
На свом врхунцу ова железничка станица је видела преко 40.000 људи дневно на путу до Галвестонских барова, казина и јавних кућа. Инжењер по имену Вилијам Вотсон забављао би гомилу у пролазу тако што би стајао на рукама на штитнику за стоку мотора. Једног несрећног дана Оклизнуо се и одмах му је одрубљена глава. Дерби шешир је и даље безбедно седео на глави коју су нашли МИЉУ ДАЉЕ!
Велика опера из 1894
Чарлс Ф. Коглан, познати британски глумац, отпловио је у Галвестон да би улепшао сцену Велике опере. Али јадни Чарлс је умро пре него што је завеса подигнута. Шта радити са телом овог угледног посетиоца? Док се чекао одговор ВЕЛИКА ОЛУЈА је срушила острво и однела Чарлсов ковчег у море. Плутао је од Галвестона до Залива принца Алберта пре него што је коначно стигао на копно... ОКО МИЉУ ОД КАДА ЋЕ ЧАРЛС ДА СЕ пензионише!
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (54)
Dec 2020
The "tour guide" who went by the name of Clint Eastwood's character in a movie emailed me to confirm and then never showed up. I had to use the chat feature to have someone "from the office" contact me (from a CA number) and they said they'd call the tour guide and let him know we were waiting in the cold. Waited some more and.....nothing. Used the chat feature again to request to be connected to them and the chat operator refused. Will be contacting Groupon and the Galveston Chamber of Commerce. On the plus side, the crackhead who accosted us outside the bar we were supposed to meet the tour guide at was very friendly.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2020
I'm sorry there was a mix up. You called at 7:38 and I returned the call immediately. I called the tour guide who did not receive your reservation unfortunately but he was there at 7:45. You kept insisting that you were in front of Patrick's bar. The tour guide was standing in front of Patrick's bar and he sent me pictures that there was no one there. I'm sorry about the delay. I was on the phone with you when you were saying you're in front of Patrick's bar .he was standing right there. further you say you bought a Groupon. but you're leaving this review on viator. Groupons are not good on Sunday night. I think you didn't bother to even try and make a reservation with that groupon. That's why no one was there at 7:30. I'm assuming that you just thought that someone would just show up magically because you had bought a Groupon and we were supposed to somehow know that you were going to take the tour that night.I can't do anything about the cold weather. I finally gave the tour guide your number to call you directly to see where you were at. you said that you had moved on . All of this occurred within a 10 minute.. when I tried to explain to you that the tour guide was there you kept interrupting me rudely. when I called back to save the tour guide had arrived you kept saying that you were standing right there he wasn't there. the tour guide showed me pictures that he was standing right there so I don't know why you were lying and saying that you were standing right there. You kept saying that you were going to call the chamber of commerce which indicated that perhaps you were a bit extreme in your response to a 10 minute delay. However that's your choice. I hope you get your money back from groupon. If you have any problems tell them that I authorized them to refund your money. Happy holidays
Nov 2020
John was awesome and informative. The stories and info left us wanting to book another tour. So cool
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
Absolutely grateful that you allowed us to share a little bit of Galveston's dark history with you . glad you had a great time .pwe hope to see you again soon period and again thank you for your awesome review
Nov 2020
Learned a great deal on the history of galveston and even caught a few images of what looks to be the same lady in white in 2 separate building! A little creepy that she had followed us. Guide was knowledgeable and I love that it was suited for all ages.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
We appreciate the opportunity to share with you a little Galveston darkest history. We're glad you had a great time period thank you for the awesome review period we really appreciate it see you again soon

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