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Галвестон је видео застрашујући број изненадних смрти. Безбожни број острва је скупо отишао, али никада није отишао. Њихови духови вребају у сенкама, уличицама, степеницама и свакодневно вребају НА СТРАНД! Историјске зграде из 19. века на СТРАНДУ постале су светилишта духова. А духови унутра само умиру од жеље да вас упознају.<бр><бр>Придружите нам се у нашој 90-минутној пешачкој тури док истражујемо фасцинантна паранормална дешавања на ланцу, оригиналној улици ужаса. Урагани, ратови, пожари и епидемије! Гусар Жан Лафит је чак претворио острво у јазбину лопова. Галвестон има више духова него било који други град у САД<бр><бр>Шетајући у ноћи, прозирне фигуре ће лебдети поред прозора. Изненада ће се појавити сенке и објекти се померају сами од себе док се стиснемо ближе једни другима јер су узајамна заштита. Никада не знамо шта нас чека иза углова. Чувајте се и плашите се! На крају крајева, Галвестон није ништа друго до „гробље са плажом“.
Цити: Галвестон
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $25.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $25.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Приступачно за инвалидска колица
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Музеј железнице Галвестон
На свом врхунцу ова железничка станица је видела преко 40.000 људи дневно на путу до Галвестонских барова, казина и јавних кућа. Инжењер по имену Вилијам Вотсон забављао би гомилу у пролазу тако што би стајао на рукама на штитнику за стоку мотора. Једног несрећног дана Оклизнуо се и одмах му је одрубљена глава. Дерби шешир је и даље безбедно седео на глави коју су нашли МИЉУ ДАЉЕ!
Велика опера из 1894
Чарлс Ф. Коглан, познати британски глумац, отпловио је у Галвестон да би улепшао сцену Велике опере. Али јадни Чарлс је умро пре него што је завеса подигнута. Шта радити са телом овог угледног посетиоца? Док се чекао одговор ВЕЛИКА ОЛУЈА је срушила острво и однела Чарлсов ковчег у море. Плутао је од Галвестона до Залива принца Алберта пре него што је коначно стигао на копно... ОКО МИЉУ ОД КАДА ЋЕ ЧАРЛС ДА СЕ пензионише!
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (54)
Oct 2020
Told we could wait 2 hrs for next tour. No social distancing, no masks. Waste of money - huge disappointment for the kids that were excited. Impossible to hear most of guide due to size.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
Woke up to your review and I'm trying to piece together what happened last night. I am not offering what follows as an excuse but I feel you deserve an explanation as best I can. It turns out your tour turned out to be our perfect storm. It started with a great press review from Houston press according to the tour guides. I have not been able to locate the article yet. Second at the beginning of the month we started to offer all military , active or not free tours as a thank you and to help in these economically challenging times. We do not ask for reservations because our current reservation requires some sort of payment which is not what we wanted. Nor could we turn them away once they showed up. Next A very large group booked on a different tour than the rest of their party so they just decided to show up to your tour without any notification. The backup tour guide who was scheduled to show didn't answer the phone or respond to text. They lost their dog the day before and are grieving horribly. Being a dog lover I understand completely. There was an additional tour guide there but when she arived there was only a group of 17 soshe decided to let the other tour guide conduct it. And then everybody else showed up. she should have waited to make sure and more people didn't show up which she didn't . again that's our mistake. The bars on the strand were particularly active because of governor opened all the bars again. The music and crowds were larger than usual at 8:00 which meant the one tour guide had to complete with all of the noise. Again another tour guide or two should have been there . one was in crisis and one left thinking that it was going to be a low turnout. Next Apparently there was a backup on the ferry and several of the people scheduled for 6:00 got delayed in traffic so they just came to the eight. With regard to a mask, it has become such a political issue that I think it's inappropriate for a tour guide to engage in a conversation which often escalates from a simple discussion of safety. It would be much easier if there was a mandatory policy which we could then enforce. But the governor has not issued such an order . If we were all required to wear a mask I assure you our guides would be more than happy to enforce such a rule. Unfortunate without a rule we cannot impose what some people will think is our political position. As we get ready for our tours tonight I will make sure all tour guides are in place. however that does not make up for your disappointment last night. I want to thank you for pointing out the problem. I would offer you and and anybody else who is disappointed an immediate full refund but I don't know who you are. Please contact Viator and ask for a refund and they'll contact me and of course I'll approve it. Again I offer my sincerest apologies. It's most distressing that the children were disappointed. We all work very hard to bring the oral histories of Galveston to as many people as possible. Yesterday we simply missed the mark and as a result you had a terrible time on your tour We are so sorry.
Sep 2020
Great guide and very informative. Got some great pics. Can't wait to take another when the weather cools down
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2020
We look forward to having you back. So glad that you had a great time period thank you for your awesome review. October is just around the corner and will hope to see you on one of our tours for Halloween thank you
Aug 2020
We had fun but lists of walking so get your tennis on! Noel was very sweet and knowledgeable! Bring a backpack with drinks in it because you will get thirsty! Lol
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2020
we're glad that we were able to share part of Galveston history with you and your son. Thank you for your awesome review. We're glad that that your family outing turned out to be a success look forward to seeing you again

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