It was supposed to be a fun first class round trip train ride to GC for my son’s 10th Bday!
I looked into all health guidelines due to Covid-19 and felt comfortable to book the round trip first class tickets for us.
However, for the entire ride to GC we were the only passengers in a car who were wearing masks!
No sanitizing wipes, no gel were offered as we boarded the train of throughout the ride.
It was not relaxing fun ride! It was infuriating!
And just to make it worse comments like “stupid mask rules” or how Covid is a joke - were not appreciated by those who lost a loved one to Covid...
Not once guests were reminded to keep their masks on!
I had to call my spouse who was staying and working remotely in hotel in Williams whole we were on the trip and ask him to come and get us from GC, as I refuse to get back on the train!
Total waste of money!!!