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Sun 17 Nov
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Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $127.11
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Коментара (399)
Apr 2020
This was one of the absolute highlights of our trip to the USA. You start at a station in Williams which is aimed at tourists but not tacky, the cowboy show was not my kinda thing but a lot of kids about seemed to love it, I just hung about by the huge train trying to take it all in and get some good photos of the old cars. We had same day return tickets and went the whole 9 yards with the premium package. Which again, I would highly recommend. We had a glass roofed car on the way out with a speaker. Coffee was on hand which is always a bonus and 2 toilets. The view from the glass top is spectacular and well worth doing if you can. On the way back we had the same glass roof but made use of the rear carriage. This is specifically important not only because thy have a bar but because you can exit onto the rear of the train. I think I spent 90% of my time out there on the ride back. You can see everything, watching the train snake around bends and the storms out to the distance. I will be going back to this part of the world and although it’s been done already. Next time I think I would do an overnight stop at the hotel by the canyon but that may be the only thing I would change, I will be back on the train trying and take it all in again.
Mar 2020
We love train rides. Have taken them all over the four corners area - Durango/Silverton, Cumbres & Toltek, Georgetown Loop, Leadville, Amtrak. The experience of rocking along is neat. This is no different. But with a bunch of hype thrown in. The ride is pleasant. We were in a Pullman Car going (highly recommend) and a Coach Car returning (just OK). As always, the experience of a train ride is neat. They do a nice job of the process from ticketing to organizing to running the train. I appreciate all they have to do to run an operation like this. Having said that, the trip was rather expensive. And the hype became annoying. What we wanted was a narrative of the area, the train and the history. We got effusive comments, a 'robbery' a stolling minstrel. Very little about the awe-inspiring area we were going through. And the Grand Canyon. We would do the trip again. Just because a train ride is so unusual these days. But it could be so much better. Look carefully before booking. The Pullman Car has a more genuine feel. And is the cheapest option. In summer, beware it's not air conditioned.
Ken S
Mar 2020
It was fun but mildly disappointing. Whether you will feel that way probably depends on whether you want/need to be entertained, or whether you consider the train ride itself entertaining. We're in the latter group. We rode Coach Class on the way to the Grand Canyon. Cameron was our car's conductor. He's loud and has a kind of in-your-face humor that we really enjoyed at first, but... there's no way to get away from it, and two hours later that's what I desperately wanted. Sometime during the ride a guy came and played his guitar for a few minutes, then obviously expected to be tipped. And, a lot of people did. On the way back, we rode Pullman Class, with Kyle as car conductor. His lower-keyed approach worked a lot better for us, and he was good with our teenage kids. Well, midway through the trip, here comes the guitar player again, saying the exact same things, like a recording, all the way down to "you have the best conductor on the train", and that "he won an award last month for best moonshine". Freaking amazing that we got two conductors who both won the same award at the same time. Again, there was unstated-but-obvious pressure to tip. Later on the same ride, there was a surprise that I won't spoil for you, but again, they were looking for cash. Better railroads are fun without frivolous "entertainment" and pressure to tip. The Cumbres & Toltec and the Durango & Silverton come to mind.

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