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Укрцајте се на железницу Великог кањона за путовање до величанственог Великог кањона који никада нећете заборавити. Осетите тутњаву старог воза док мотор јури 65 миља (приближно 105 км) по прелепом селу Северне Аризоне. Воз нуди калеидоскопске погледе на врхове Сан Франциска и котрља се кроз долине украшене дивљим цвећем, густим боровим шумама, високим пустињским равницама и малим кањонима.
Цити: Флагстафф
Fri 15 Nov
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Са почетком у $127.11
Fri 15 Nov
Са почетком у $127.11
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<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Воз може да прими моторизовани скутер ако није шири од 25 инча. Постоји посебан лифт за подизање скутера у воз.<ли>Имајте на уму: Аризона не поштује дневно светло и пребацује се између МСТ (планинско стандардно време) и ПСТ (пацифичко стандардно време) у зависности од сезоне.<ли>Безбедносна ажурирања после ЦОВИД-19 – Љубазно вас молимо да се уздржите од овог обиласка ако почнете да показујете било који од симптома повезаних са ЦОВИД-19, или ако сте у великом ризику од заразе болест. Осигурајте да 1 особа по групи чека у реду за замену карата. Маске за лице ће бити веома препоручљиве. Социјално дистанцирање ће се практиковати на перону и у возу. Седишта у возу ће бити ограничена како би се максимално повећала социјална дистанца, а од гостију ће се тражити да одмах заузму своја седишта држећи пролазе чистим и да остану седећи осим да користе тоалете.<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике на јавним местима. <ли>Маске за лице потребне су водичима у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Редовно се дезинфикује области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовна температура провере за особље
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Коментара (399)
Deborah V
Oct 2019
We could have easily made the drive from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon in a shorter amount of time, but since we were on vacation, we decided to splurge and take the train up to the canyon. We had seats in First Class and before we left town, there was show with gunslingers that was cute. Once on the train, we had an attendant who told us all kinds of interesting bits of trivia as we made our way up to the canyon. It is a slow moving train, but with refreshments and wandering musical entertainers, the trip went by quickly. We also took a bus tour at the canyon, because there is so much to see and the free trams were crowded. After the bus tour, we had to walk around, see the hotels, gifts shops and some other vistas. We got back on the train for the trip back to Williams and train robbers went through the train! Everyone loved it. It was a bit pricey, but I had a Senior Pass for the entry fee and we were able to use our AAA card for another discount. Check this out!
Oct 2019
Excellent. Well worth the money. Recommend you take the Pullman car if it's not too hot. The windows open and you can get great pics on the bends. You can still access the Cafe Car. And the seats are way mor comfortable. Take the Coach on return for air conditioning. (You have a choice to take different carriages).
Angela V
Oct 2019
The day begins with a 15 minute wild west show. It's super cheesy and low budget, but lots of fun. You have the opportunity to take pictures with the actors and horses at the end. Then board the train. My family of five rode 1st class with large chairs that had armrests and foot rests. We had light snacks of mini donuts and muffins and juice on the morning ride to the Grand Canyon. Our hostess was excellent and helped to serve beverages and answer any questions. When my 6 year old wanted one of the fancy sounding alcoholic beverages, the hostess brought some grenadine to add to the OJ and called it an Arizona sunrise. She also spent a lot of time with my daughter just joking around. The entertainment included a singer/guitarist, one for each of the ride out and the ride back. A photographer went through the train taking family pictures. I purchased one digital picture for $35 and was given a website and digital pass the get my picture. The pass did not work and I noticed my card was never charged. My email asking about it went unanswered. Before we arrived at the GC, our hostess handed out pocket maps and talked about how to navigate around the village and the best trails for our 3 hours at the GC. The ride home included snacks of sausage and cheese and soda, more entertainment and time to relax after a few hours of hiking. There was a train robbery and they go to great lengths to make sure the kids know it is fake, so much so that it's not really that cool. It's more of an opportunity to tip the actors. There is a cafe car with light snacks like chips and beef jerky and tables to eat at. I doubt this happens often, but there was a medical emergency on our way out. The only option was for the train to return to the nearest location where an ambulance could pick up which was not close at all. We ended up losing about an hour, so we arrived later than expected and the train departed an hour later to compensate. It messed with our evening plans, but I don't see how they could have handled it any differently. I think our trip was fantastic and would recommend to anyone.

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