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Fri 15 Nov
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Fri 15 Nov
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Коментара (399)
Sep 2019
I have driven to the Grand Canyon before several years ago. This time we went with another couple in our family and decided to try the Grand Canyon Railway. By leaving the driving to them, we had 2 hours up and back to enjoy each other, talking and discussing the views and having fun with the group in our railcar. It was relaxing and fun! A cash snack car is available, but we chose to pack a few snacks and a picnic lunch to enjoy with the best views of the Canyon. There are several options of rail cars to ride so you can work within a budget. We chose coach. If you have a National Parks Pass and some other discounts available, you will save some money. There is a little western show outside before you get on the train and a gift shop for souvenirs at the station. The entertainers and staff on the train are a lively group that kept us laughing and sharing information what to see, where to eat, and timelines to remember. Each one we talked to answered questions and were friendly. The only inconvenience we had was due to our own disabilities and if we had asked a few more questions before leaving the train to explore the Grand Canyon, I’m sure we could have found reasonable accommodations- such as when we got off the train, we were so excited to be there, we didn’t realize it was quite a ways to walk to the shuttle bus that we were intending to ride around and get off and on to see the best views. We were on a schedule of 3 1/2hrs to eat lunch and see the views before we had to get back on the train. Two of us should have brought a walking stick or cane because the ground is uneven causing us to walk slower. Just something you should be aware of. The train promptly left the station at 9:30am from Williams, AZ and we got there at noon. The train left Grand Canyon promptly at 3:30pm to return to Williams. We got back to our car at 6pm. I highly recommend the train if you want to relax and enjoy the ride if you are willing to see some of the most spectacular views and can stay within the timeline schedule. If you want to hike and explore longer, it’s best to drive yourself or stay overnight at the Canyon and ride the train back another day. You can book one way or round trip on the train. It runs everyday all year round except Christmas Day.
Sep 2019
We stopped in Williams as part of our Route 66 tour. We had seen the railway on Billy Connelly's Route 66 travelogue and so wanted to do it. We weere not disappointed. Fromthe start of the day with cowboys, through to the journey itself,with more cowboys and music, we had a fab time. We travelled first class, so that included soft drinks, pastries, coffee and tea in the morning. on the return journey there were veggies, hummus dip, cheese and biscuits, and the same drinks.Alcoholic drinks were available to purchase and the Canyon Sunset cocktail on the journey home was delicious. It is a great way to access the Grand Canyon and that view is truly awesome. Go, I dare you to be disappointed, we certainly were not.
Sep 2019
We booked to go up in the luxury dome and back in the luxury salon carriage, both of which didn't disappoint. The dome gives some amazing views as you travel along the railway lines towards the south rim of the canyon. There were two members of staff providing service from the bar and a help yourself mini buffet of pastries and snacks. They managed to keep as many people happy as they could but there were a couple of groans that we heard when the choice of beers was mentioned. Don't think that these people realise that it is not a fully stocked bar but it does have a great variety for most. It is not a cheap ticket to ride the train as it commands a premium being the only railroad around. At the Williams station there was a 'wild west show' which given the choice again I would miss as there was poor sound quality and limited action. We combined our trip with a guided tour around the canyon by bus with lunch. The tour was great and you had time to view the Canyon, and at one part the driver showed us some amazing views slightly off the beaten track. The lunch was buffet style and fairly basic but sufficient to keep us going. On the way back from the Canyon, the wild west players 'held up' the train which was their way to gain a few dollars. the steward on the train on the way back put some context on it - if you pay a dollar each, and there are 750 passengers onboard, they will make a hefty sum. This trip was expensive but in my opinion worth the cost as a once in a lifetime trip.

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