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Цити: Денвер
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $105.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $105.00
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли> ли><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Минимална старост је 8 година<ли>Препоручују се удобне ципеле/чизме за планинарење<ли>Кодекс облачења: носите удобну одећу, носите слојеве<ли>*Ово је умерено пешачење на надморској висини које би гостима могло бити изазовно. Ова тура се не препоручује особама које не вежбају редовно. Из поштовања према осталим гостима на турнеји, размотрите наше обиласке ако нисте сигурни да ли можете испунити физичке услове. Наши водичи задржавају право да замоле госте да застану или се окрену на пешачењу. <ли>Од новембра до априла топло се препоручује водоотпорне ципеле. Препоручују се и вунене чарапе. <ли>Ова тура тренутно није доступна суботом. Позовите канцеларију да се распитате о приватној пешачкој тури суботом.<ли>Ова тура НЕ посећује Национални парк Роцки Моунтаин. Молимо вас да размислите о нашем целодневном пешачењу или обиласку града који функционише у Националном парку. <ли>Транспортна возила редовно дезинфикују
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Коментара (103)
Jan 2019
Brendan our tour guide was fantastic! Very engaging and knowledgeable of Denver history. His driving was outstanding, I was very impressed with his parking skills. The tour was a very pleasant experience, I look forward to my next trip to Denver and next tour. Thank you!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2019
Hi pmoshos, We are happy to hear you enjoyed your time on tour! Our goal is to make every tour group feel safe and comfortable while enjoying the highlights of the tour. We look forward to seeing you next time! Kind regards, Kristen
Jan 2019
I was only in Boulder for the weekend and I didn't know what to see or where to go first. I was really looking forward to this tour since it seemed to offer a good general starting point. Kyle was very personable and knowledgeable. He was able to give us solid background information on the Red Rocks Amphitheater and how it developed, tidbits on the local area like Golden nearby, history of the flatirons and what mountaineering on it is like. He also went above and beyond by giving recommendations on things to explore later on Pearl Street and elsewhere. Having been a transplant, he was able to give us a fresh perspective.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2019
Hello vuthuynguyen, We are very glad you were able to join us on a tour during your brief visit! We would love to help you explore more of the state the next time you find yourself in Colorado. Thank you for the review! Kind regards, Kristen
Jan 2019
We loved both of these tours and highly recommend them! The pick-up at Union Square went very smoothly and it's easy to find the flagpole where to meet. The vans are very comfy and the guides offered us bottled water several times throughout the tour. There are adequate restroom stops (I have to go A LOT and usually fret about finding a bathroom, but no worries on these tours). The guides have the special pass to go in the multi-passenger lane on the highways, so we avoided a lot of slow traffic. Both guides were very knowledgable and easy-going and made the experiences very pleasurable. Flatirons: the coolest part was seeing Red Rocks Amphitheatre. We had about 30 minutes to get out there and walk around. We also stopped at Chautaqua (spelling?) and did a tiny bit of hiking. The last stop was the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder where we had close to an hour to wander around and shop (tip: some people choose to stay there and take the FlatIron Flyer back to Union Station instead of the tour van). Brendan was our guide for this one (go Cornhuskers!) and he was fantastic about pointing out things to look at and telling us the history of the area. Rocky Mountain National Park: this was an all-day tour and it went really fast. Jed was our guide and we had 7 in the van (we picked up 2 in Boulder and that went very smoothly). The highlight was seeing a long-horned sheep (also saw tons of deer, plus elk in the very far distance). We did a bit of hiking at a few different stops. Plenty of photo opportunities, especially at a gorgeous lake (can't remember the name), and a cute little church on a hill. Plenty of stops (at a cute little town for a few minutes of shopping, at a distillery where we had lunch, and Crystal Springs to fill our water bottles) Jed was fantastic at keeping us engaged and knowing when to be quiet and let us just soak in the beautiful scenery. The next time we're in Denver, we will definitely do another tour with Aspire. We cannot say enough good things about them---the tours were the highlight of a very enjoyable 5 days in Denver.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2019
Hello mb5678, Thank you so very much for taking the time to write us this detailed and kind review! Our potential guests will be grateful of your feedback when deciding which tours they may want to join. We would absolutely love to take you on another tour the next time you visit and look forward to that day! Kind regards, Kristen

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