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Бициклистичка тура у срцу града

Не постоји бољи начин да се уроните у магију Сан Франциска него на бициклу. Цлассиц је ваш увод у живописну историју и модерну културу града, са стајалиштима у његовим најживописнијим четвртима, укључујући Мисију, Кастро, Хејт-Ешбери и Аламо Сквер/Насликане даме. Можемо да видимо и парк Голден Гате.
Цити: Сан Франциско
Thu 24 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $79.00
Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $79.00
Шта је укључено
Искусни туристички водич
Изнајмљивање бицикала и кацига
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Минимални узраст је 13 година<ли>Молимо носити удобну одећу и обућу. Обавезно проверите временске прилике и понесите слојеве (тј. јакну, флис, џемпер)<ли>Тешкоћа: Опуштене и безбедне бициклистичке руте које пролазе улицама Сан Франциска, али око злогласних брда<ли>Потребно је најмање 2 особе по обиласку. Постоји могућност отказивања након потврде ако нема довољно путника да испуни услове. У случају да се то догоди, биће вам понуђена алтернатива или потпуни повраћај новца
Шта да очекујете
Хипији! Лето љубави 1967
Цивиц Центер
Симбол нове америчке империје овде на западној обали
Паинтед Ладиес
Чувени поглед!
Аламо Скуаре
Парк са погледом на насликане даме
Хаиес Валлеи
Ново модерно насеље где се састајемо у пренамењеном контејнеру за транспорт. Одлична храна за ручак после обиласка и кафу пре.
Миссион Дистрицт
Одлична храна, архитектура, људи, паркови и улична уметност. Од мисионарске фарме до латино центра града до најмодернијег и најскупљег дела града. Микрокосим контраста унутар града и Сан Франциска који треба да се развија, а да задржи свој разнолик карактер.
Цастро Тхеатре
Неки Кастра називају нашим "гејбурством". Много историје, културе, дугиних застава и цоол зграда.
Голден Гате Парк
Прелеп парк Голден Гате. Већи од Централ Парка у Њујорку. Крстаримо около и одмарамо се од ужурбаног града.
Бициклистичке туре улицама Сан Франциска
Да, завршавамо тамо где смо почели. Одличан ручак у близини.
Show 6 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (68)
Vanessa S
Dec 2017
Josh was a fantastic guide for this tour! He’s a San Francisco native, so he was full of information, history, and stories about the city. I especially enjoyed his focus on outdoor murals and the arts as well as the built-in break time at the top of the observatory. Although we were riding for over four hours, you don’t really feel it because Josh knows how to avoid the painful hills and there is so much to look at and learn that you almost forget you are pedaling. This was a totally enjoyable experience and well worth the price. When I go back I would like to sign up for one of the longer tours!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2018
Vanessa S, Thank you for your review of the New Classic bike tour with Streets of San Francisco Bike Tours. We are so happy that you had a great experience with Josh exploring San Francisco on a bike. Looking forward to hosting you on your next visit! Cheers, Team SoSF
Adnan H
Dec 2017
This is by far the best guided tour of SF you will find!! We had Josh, who not only did a fantastic job of being a remarkable guide, but was friendly and we had great conversations with him on so much- truly a stand up guy! The tour is unique, you go to places in the heart of SF rather than the heavily tourist areas one can do themselves. We stopped in key areas that truly contained SF heritage; artistic murals,historic neighborhoods, hipster bakeries, confectionery shops where you see them make chocolate, graffiti buildings with spectacular street art. These are just a few of the wonderful places the tour takes you, and depending on the day you can see markets and brilliant views. I have no hesitation to recommend this tour to anyone, and afterwards you get a personalized email where they give you additional information on where to go, eat and see during your time in SF. So what are you waiting for? Book a tour now!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2018
Adnan H, Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback on your Streets of San Francisco New Classic Bike Tour. You should be hired as our new marketing director! Your kind words mean a lot to us and you were able to experience everything we strive to do. We have lots of tour variety and our hope is that you will join us again when you visit SF! Until then thank you again. All the best, Team SoSF
Dec 2017
We did the New Classic tour which ended up becoming a private tour as we were the only ones booked for that time slot/tour that day. It was definitely a great way to see the different neighbourhoods! We couldn't have done it on our own; a lot of places were covered, and we wouldn't have known where best to pass or which spots to go to. We had Frank as our tour guide and he was great: kind, chill, and someone who genuinely loves everything about SF. He didn't fret about the time (we ended up a bit late due to all the pictures we took/ he gladly took of us). We enjoyed our conversations with him too :) Tip: consider an electric bike tour if steep roads will be a problem. They map out the bike-friendly routes but some hills are unavoidable, and at times I found it a bit challenging even on the easiest gear.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2018
crsmnch, Thank you for writing a review of Streets of San Francisco Bike Tours. Your feedback is invaluable. Frank is a tremendous guide and it sounds like you had a great day out with him. As you mentioned there are some slight hills (a total of 270 ft over 10miles) on the New Classic. We do our best to avoid the big inclines but you are correct in that some are unavoidable. Looking forward to having you join us on a electric bike tour the next time you visit! Cheers, Team SoSF

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