REALLY good - the first 45 minutes spent with the nets out may not be overly exciting, but that's part of the process - they could probably give some more information about the industry, history of shrimping in the area etc. . . but starting with bringing in the net, to sorting out the catch (all kinds of crabs, fish, squid etc.) and popping the heads off the shrimp - all was VERY interesting and my 11 year old daughter loved every minute of it (as it appeared, did the other kids, ages about 5 to 15 on the ship). The fact that you get to take some of the catch home is icing on the cake! - I guess if you or your kids aren't into sea life or haven't ever cleaned a fish or something before, this may not be for them. But if they're into unique experiences I think this would qualify as a great cultural experience. Maybe we were fortunate in the amount of shrimp that were caught . . .