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Пешачка тура по старом Луисвилу

Историјски пешачки обилазак старог Луисвила је обилазак са водичем срца викторијанске виле у Старом Луисвилу. Дизајниран од стране истакнутог локалног архитекте и историчара, ова турнеја се фокусира на историју и архитектуру овог национално признатог историјског округа који се може похвалити највећом колекцијом викторијанских вила у Сједињеним Државама. Обилазак почиње у удобном центру за посетиоце који је дизајнирао Фредерицк Лав Олмстед у Централ Парку. Води вас кроз култне дворове Сент Џејмс и Белгравија, а затим наставите дуж четврте Јужне улице, авеније Ормсби и великог булевара Треће улице, који је 1890-их био познат као Милионаире'с Ров. Онда сте враћени на почетну тачку.<бр>Сав приход од пешачке туре историјског старог Луисвила подржава рад Већа суседства старог Луисвила, непрофитне организације која служи као заговорник заједнице и ради на очувању историје.
Цити: Лоуисвилле
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $20.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $20.00
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Књижица пешачког обиласка старог Луисвила: брошура у боји на 48 страница
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (70)
Jun 2020
The tour guide was friendly and informative. During the hour, we walked through a few blocks and talked about the history of some of the homes, past owners and their occupations, and architectural details. It was a nice hour through a historic neighborhood.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
So happy you had the time to visit our beautiful historic area! Please come back.
May 2020
My wife and I scheduled this tour on a vacation we took to Louisville. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable about the area (I think she was also a teacher) and was able to answer the multitude of questions we had. We love these styles of housing and certain properties had an amazing history. When we visit the area again, we will definitely go on another tour from this company. Thank you for the education and stroll through a very historic area of Louisville!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thanks so much for going on the tour. We love to hear feedback. And, please come again! Always something new to see.
Mar 2020
This walking tour in the historic part of Louisville was a wonderful departure from the the more hectic tours and sights in downtown Louisville. My son and I took the 1:30 tour on a Friday in February. It was a chilly day so we bundled up. The tour starts at the Visitor Center in the middle of Central Park. It is adjacent to the police station. We drove into the police parking lot and found that the dirt lot behind it is for people visiting the welcome center. This was a great discovery and allowed us to avoid finding parking on the street. We did not order tickets ahead of time but with only one spot reserved, we had no trouble getting tickets. Although they don't offer AAA discounts, we were able to take advantage of the student price for my son making it much more affordable. Our tour guide locked up the visitor center after we all used the rest room and we began our walk. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable. Her pace was good and she kept us entertained with tidbits about all the homes we were seeing. The tour basically took us down two main roads and one cross road that didn't allow cars. It was extremely scenic and lots of diverse architectures to be seen. While heading back to the Visitor Center by walking through the park, she was able to share several facts about the trees and wildlife in the park as well. Price wise, if I had spent $40 for the two of us, I would not recommend as highly but with the student pricing, it was definitely worth it. In summary, we had an enjoyable, peaceful walk and learned a ton about different architectural styles.

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