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Острво Бреезе Луау на Великом острву

Доживите суштину Хаваја и Полинезијских острва током овог Исланд Бреезе Луау! Смештен у срцу Каилуа-Коне на Великом острву, овај луау укључује полинезијске културне представе, као што су фиџијски и маорски ратни плесови, традиционални хавајски хула и запањујући самоански плес са ватреним ножем. Поред невероватне представе, добићете топао поздрав са лејом од шкољке, научити хулу, играти хавајске игре, гледати краљевску процесију и уживати у укусном хавајском бифеу и отвореном бару!
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Thu 24 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $176.97
Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $176.97
Шта је укључено
2 до 3 сата Луау са отвореним седиштима
Отворен Стандардни бар (укључује: стандардне токове, пиво, вино, маи таис), воћни пунч, безалкохолна пића)
Живи наступи и демонстрације
Пуна вечера на бази шведског стола
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Каилуа-Кона<бр>75-5660 Палани Рд,
Сви гости морају да се пријаве у соби Хаваииан Монарцхи која се налази у холу хотела Кона Беацх хотела Цоуртиард Марриотт Кинг Камехамеха.
Крајња тачка
Ова активност се завршава на месту састанка.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности <ли>Острво Бреезе Луау је на пешачкој удаљености од многих смештајних јединица за посетиоце у Каилуа-Кони.
Шта да очекујете
Луау се одржава у прелепом окружењу на обали океана у близини историјског залива Камакахону. Гости острва Бреезе Луау уживаће у позадини чамаца који пролазе, кануа на подножју, планине Хуалалаи и треперавих светла Коне.
Ахуена Хеиау
Аху'ена, некадашње имање краља Камехамехе, је још једна позната позадина на острву Бреезе Луау у Каилуа-Кони.
Исланд Бреезе Луау
Док сте на Великом острву Хаваја, доживите аутентично, забавно и забавно искуство на Исланд Бреезе Луау. Добитник награде "Најбоље са Западних Хаваја", Исланд Бреезе Луау у хотелу Кона Беацх хотела Кинг Камехамеха омиљен је и посетилаца и локалног становништва. Позвани сте да се придружите Исланд Бреезе Луау за јединствено културно искуство које садржи укусну храну, пиће и невероватну полинезијску продукцију!
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (228)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Dec 2019
We have been to three luaus on three different island (one each). This one was unique in its own way but not spectacular in my opinion. First of all the concierge booked the luau at our resort then told us the cost was higher even though their price list had just come out about a month earlier - frustrating. Then in order to be closer to the stage, we needed to pay a premium for preferred seating directly, could not do that with the concierge - frustrating The luau as at the Marriott. Not the best directions to know where to go - frustrating We were told to be there 15 minutes early which many people did. Then got to wait in line for about 25 minutes - frustrating Finally made it to the location on site. Were greeted and brought to our table and realized the premium seating was an over sell - frustrating I will comment that the food was acceptable and the entertainment acceptable. The same 7 or 8 dancers did it all from every country that was being acknowledged. What we did like was that the dancers were always dressed very well without provocative clothing. After having been to three now, I am not convinced that spending that kind of money was worth it. Seems a lot of money for unexceptional food and what seemed like a short program. For those who have never been, it would have been quite nice. I would like to suggest that there is two stages of pricing as well. One for those who would like alcoholic beverages and one for those who don't. These can be delineated by a different color wrist band. I do not think we will attend this one again.
Dec 2019
It was honestly nothing special. We had to wait in line for roughly 20 minutes before entering and then they took our photo and printed them ALL to sell to you at dinner for $20 each. The food was ok and I ordered a vegetarian dish which never came. The performances were excellent and that was the only highlight. There was an “all inclusive bar” which was located about 500ft where we were sitting which made it difficult and inconvenient to get drinks.
Dec 2019
This luau was highly recommended by a local waitress, so we booked it with high expectations. Although the show itself was extremely good, the events leading up to the show seemed extremely disorganized. As a veteran of many luaus on all of the islands that offer them, I know of which I speak. We checked in at 4:45 as instructed in the confirmation email but then were told to wait for nearly half a hour before getting into line. The path to the luau grounds was not well marked and once we found it and got into line, there was confusion about when we got our prepaid leis. My wife wanted the cheaper kukui nut lei but was told we had to accept the prepaid flower lei. And our preferred seating wristbands were not enough. We were told that we had to produce a receipt to get our leis. Seems like a different colored wristband would have prevented me from having to wait and dig through a pocket full of receipts, but that’s just me. Most luaus have activities, exhibits and crafts sales to pleasantly pass the time before being seated. But at “The Island Breeze” the limited offerings didn’t get started until after we were seated. The drum lessons and hula class were broadcast to the table area (even though we could see them) and were loud enough to be annoying and make polite conversation nearly impossible. Same story with the pre-show music. We craved gentle island background music without the volume of a rock concert. Many patrons missed the imu ceremony since they were unwilling to leave the comfort of their tables to backtrack to the imu area. Each long table was adored with only one attractive though small fruit bowl which was quickly consumed, causing some guests to “borrow” the bowls from other empty tables. The late comers simply did without. The open bar was small and manned by only two overworked bartenders. And it was located as far from the tables as physically possible. The drink cups were loaded with so much ice that one sip emptied them. And they rapidly became diluted to the point they lacked any character. They opening ceremony was colorful and original but added to the hour-long wait for the serving lines to open. This would have been welcomed had it occurred earlier in the evening to relieve the tedium of the wait. The luau buffet was standard fare. Filling, but nothing really outstanding. The show itself was the high point of the evening with a very talented dance ensemble that represented the various islands of Polynesia. It compared favorably to the best I have seen. And the master of ceremonies was pleasantly engaging. The location of the luau was beautiful enough and had a commanding view of the shoreline, city and mountain slope, but sadly any direct view of the sunset was blocked by foliage and structures. All in all, this luau could have been spectacular. All of the ingredients were there. But the apparent lack of event management skills prevented it from reaching its potential.

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