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Улазница за ЛЕГОЛАНД Нев Иорк Ресорт

Локација ЛЕГОЛАНД Нев Иорк Ресорт-а се може похвалити обиљем сунца док уживате у шетњи кроз седам тематских крајева.<бр>Друге узбудљиве авантуре укључују иконе вожње као што су Тхе Драгон Цоастер у ЛЕГО® Цастле и ЛЕГО® НИЊАГО® Ворлд’с ЛЕГО® НИЊАГО® Тхе Риде. Деца тада могу да оду у ЛЕГО® Цити да прошире своју машту и да стекну сопствену ЛЕГОЛАНД® возачку дозволу у ауто-школи, да се удруже да спасу дан у Ватрогасној спасилачкој академији и да гледају ЛЕГО филмове у 4Д у биоскопу Палаце.<бр>Ове године овог лета у ЛЕГО® Цити-у постоји потпуно ново игралиште на води: гости ће моћи да направе и тркају се ЛЕГО чамац, да се прскају по воденом тобогану и да буду заливени огромном кантом за воду!
Цити: Њу Јорк
Mon 18 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $49.05
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $49.05
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Гошен <бр>Леголанд Блвд
Одмаралиште је безготовинско. Будите спремни да платите артикле у ЛЕГОЛАНД® Нев Иорк Ресорту кредитном картицом, бесконтактном банковном картицом или Аппле Паи-ом, а не готовином. Ово укључује малопродају, храну и пиће, игре и друге услуге „за куповину“.

Неке атракције могу имати ограничења висине. хттпс://ввв.леголанд.цом/нев-иорк/медиа/улфлтск4/ллни_хеигхт-рестрицтионс.пдф

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Ако је резервисан 1-дневни ЛЕГОЛАНД Њујорк са аутобусом, погледајте доле за додатне информације.
• Повратни аутобуски превоз је обезбеђен са аутобуског терминала Порт Аутхорити Нев Иорк Цити: 625 8тх Авенуе Нев Иорк, НИ
• Капија лучке управе за превоз до ЛЕГОЛАНД Њујорка је 409. Проверите таблу на терминалу да потврдите.
• Морате посетити кабине за продају карата у Лучкој управи да бисте набавили аутобуску карту која се налази на 1. спрату, јужна зграда, кабине 11-15.
• Молимо проверите хттпс://ввв.леголанд.цом/нев-иорк/за сва ажурирања.
• Морате посетити парк на заказани датум.
• Аутобус полази из Лучке управе у 9:30, 10:30 и 11:30. Повратни аутобуси из ЛЕГОЛАНД Њујорка су у 15:45, 17 и 18:15.
Имајте на уму: САМО суботом и недељом постоји и опција аутобуса у 19:15.

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Шта да очекујете
ЛЕГОЛАНД Нев Иорк Ресорт
Невероватно вас чека у ЛЕГОЛАНД® Нев Иорк Ресорту! Возите се, пењте се, прскајте и градите свој пут кроз седам тематских земаља на врхунској дестинацији ЛЕГО® тематског парка! Пронађите нас у долини Хадсон, само 60 миља од Њујорка!
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (554)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Aug 2022
The staff was so helpful and friendly all day even in the extreme heat! We especially loved the junior drivers lady as she was very pleasant! The movie experience was great and it was a good break from the sun!! We are so glad we made the trip!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Hello Danielle! Thank you for taking the time to leave us a 5-star review! We're happy to hear how our experience offerings and our staff helped you have a Bricktastic day! We're so glad you made the trip to build awesome memories with us, we hope to see you again! Guest Excellence Team
Aug 2022
Went there with my 5 yr old, mother(grandmother) and husband. Overall I'm under impressed. Incredibly overpriced for what's available. Its great for the little ones. Every ride seems to be geared to smaller children. With that said, if you are a big and tall or plus size person, be prepared to squeeze into almost everything there. My mother who isn't even plus sized complained on a few rides. For almost every attraction they basically make parents ride with all kids between 42-52" and they made it unnecessarily uncomfortable to ride together. Also, ride queues are very long, even if the line seemed short because they check the height of every single child going on the ride, regardless of how tall they were, and they generally seemed understaffed there. The rides are also low capacity. All of this made boarding and un-boarding. painfully slow. Staff is very friendly and accommodating but noticed restaurants closing earlier than the park or weren't opened at all. Food is expensive and tasteless. We asked for a cup to just fill with ice water, they told me all they could give me was a tiny Dixie cone cup that you would get from a water dispenser in a doctors office. Absolutely bring your own water bottle. I was able to refill in the restaurants. Every theme park or fast food restaurant I've ever gone to will always give you a cup of ice water. And with that said, almost every water fountain did not work, or was low pressure for a park that had little to no shade. Close to Disneyworld prices for a simple tasteless cheeseburger. Want to take a picture of your child on a ride? Nope everyone was yelled at for taking out a cellphone, even on slow rides, which they would scream over loudspeakers and ruin the experience. So with all that said , My child enjoyed it and honestly that's all that matters but I just expect a lot more for a $70+ ticket and $25+ tax for parking.
Aug 2022
Room was nice, food was kind of OK and the park was fun. Here's where it all goes down hill. My son left his stuffed animals in his room when we checked out. (you would think this was a frequent issue with hotel full of children). Tried to call the hotel when we got home that same day, surprise, no direct number to the hotel, all the help lines close at around 6pm and when you submit an email to their "Experience Team" you get a reply stating "Our Model Citizens are actively responding to emails and guests should receive a response within 7-10 business days." Day 2 called their 800 number and talked to a helpful individual who messaged some people at the hotel and said I should receive an email or call that day. Nothing Day 3 called their 800 number and talked to the same individual who messaged some other people at the hotel ( also mentioned that the cleaning crew is actually outsourced and they will need to contact that company) and said I should receive an email or call that day. Nothing Day 4 called their 800 number and talked a young lady who said they could not help me and would transfer me to the hotel line (looks promising). After the transfer I had 3 options, make a reservation, change a reservation, or cancel a reservation. Not helpful. Called back the 800 number and spoke to another young lady who again stated they could not communicate with the hotel and after some back and forth transferred my to the same line as before. I pressed 1 and explained my situation (BTW wait time to talk to someone for help 15-20 min, wait time to make a reservation 10 sec) This person could not help because she was working from home on Skype and had no ability to contact the hotel. Called back a third time spoke to another rep and he said he would start contacting people to see what he could do. We were disconnected after 18 min. Called back a 4th time and spoke with a young lady who transferred me to her manager who let me know there is nothing they can do I have to wait 10-14 business days for a reply IF they find the item, if they don't find it they will not reply to you and will just leave you hanging. We were them mysteriously disconnected. Looks like I'm going on a road trip this weekend.

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