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Луау Каламаку са вечером и шоу на бази шведског стола

Дочекујући госте на Кауаију од 2007. године, Луау Каламаку је једина луау емисија на Хавајима која се изводи „у кругу“, пружајући оптималан поглед на сцену. Будите сведоци ископавања свиње из традиционалне иму (подземне пећи) и уживајте у лекцији хула. Сајам заната са јединственим предметима локалних занатлија чека на пространом травњаку. Уживајте у укусном шведском столу са локалним и познатим јелима и уживајте у Маи Таи-у из отвореног бара. 45-минутна главна емисија прича невероватну причу о древној хавајској легенди о Каламакуу „дете нове земље." Кроз смех, страх, завођење и ватру, ствара се ново наслеђе, рођено из негованог семена њихових предака. позоришна представа луау кулминира фантастичним ватреним сном који укључује ватрене пои лопте и традиционални плес са ватреним ножевима.
Цити: Кауаи
Tue 24 Sep
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Са почетком у $191.10
Tue 24 Sep
Са почетком у $191.10
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Газирано пиће
Отворена трака (док не почне главна емисија)
Вечера на бази шведског стола
Луау Схов
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ради по киши или по сунцу; одржава се у покривеном павиљону<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Коментара (432)
Jul 2022
Amazing show. Friendly service. Food was not good . Need more flavor. Teriyaki chicken and fish were ok. Desert was ok. Cake was dry. Macaroni had no taste. Salad dressing was good. For the price food should be improved. Find a better chef.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the food - we are glad that you enjoyed the show and service. Mahalo!
Jul 2022
We loved the show! We especially loved the fire torch tossing and the story it told. We thought the performers did an outrageous job telling the history of Hawaii. The food was okay. We have tried a lot of different food on the island and this was subpar. For as much money as we spent we thought the food would be a little bit better. We went for the show obviously not the food. The drinks from the open bar were very small and watered down. We did like all the cute little shops of the local vendors before the show started. If you don't like big crowds you will not like it there. I suggest if you want to see the show better to get front row seats. The people behind us never sat down. I felt sorry for the people that were sitting behind them probably didn't get to see a lot of the show. I definitely would do it again.
Michael i
Jul 2022
The luau was great. Stalk the website for the premier seats. It really is worth it. We bought standard tickets for one day but noticed premier seats became available for another so I quickly called and transferred. Maybe the wait list works? I had wait list tickets for several days for the premier but they never called when tickets were available online so that's why I kept stalking the website. If you grew up at Disneyland, you see the organization and how everything seems to run smooth. My dad doesn't get around very well anymore. Wheelchair was needed at the luau which was great for our family. He's never used one much before but probably needed more now. Anyway, get there early. Check in is at 4:45. Visit the craft booths behind the stage. Jewelry, soap, sweet shop and art were the ones I saw. Open bar from 5 to 7:30. You can get only 1 alcoholic drink at a time (mai tai, blue hawaiian or beer are ones we got often) You are assigned seating. 2 drinks at a time can be done but one alcoholic and 1 non-alcoholic at a time. Premier seats are around the main stage. We had table 412 with another nice family from California. Standard seats are further from the stage with heads blocking your view, Imu ceremony is at 6:15. Salad and rolls came to our table around 6:10. They call up tables by your table number to the buffet. More salad, macaroni salad, teriyaki chicken, poi and fish are the options that I saw. Everything is labeled. Dessert is available shortly after everyone is called for the buffet. Show was great. About 45 minutes. Fire presentation is about the last 10 minutes or show or so. Leaving the plantation is a lot like Dodger Stadium but on a much smaller scale. Only one traffic light. I was told beforehand seating capacity was around 600 but I noticed empty tables near the exits when leaving. We had a great time. Only drawback is the band speaker system needs work from 5pm to 7:30.. It sounded muffled and not very loud at times but the luau sound was much better with their own mics. If premier seats do not open up for your date then check often. I saw most changes in the AM Hawaii time. The $26 difference is worth it. How many times do you visit Hawaii?

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