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Манта Маниа - Ноћно роњење са маском Манта Раи - Искуство у малим групама у Кони, Хаваји

Превозимо највише 6 путника тако да можемо да понудимо интимније искуство роњења с маском и дисалицом од манта раја од већих „сточних чамаца“ у Кони.<бр><бр>Поред пружања приватнијег искуства, величина наше мале групе омогућава боља емисија манта. Ваш водич за пливање ће одвући вашу забаву до најактивнијих делова места за роњење, док се држите за светлосну даску и уживате у представи. Веће групе на већим чамцима често морају да остану поред чамца и не могу да јуре акцију манта као ми. Ако лоцирате најактивније делове места за роњење, имаћете веће шансе да видите више манта зрака.<бр><бр>Ако резервишете свих 6 места на било ком путовању, имаћете свој приватни чартер.<бр <бр>Не пропустите прилику да роните с маском на дах са манта зрацима у приватном искуству у малим групама. Спремите се да правите успомене које ће трајати цео живот!
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Tue 25 Feb
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Са почетком у $139.00
Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $139.00
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Коментара (193)
Feb 2018
Booked our Manta Ray Snorkel before we left and found the communication to be excellent. As a novice snorkeler, I was apprehensive about snorkeling, and about the night time snorkel, but the team at Coral Reef talked through the process and I felt safe and in experienced hands. I cannot speak highly enough of Justin's ability to manoeuvre the boat and of Emily's knowledge (she has a Masters degree in the field) and pure enthusiasm for the marine world. Both were very friendly, welcoming, and did all they could to make the experience enjoyable. On our way to the mantas we saw a pod of dolphins, so we slowed down and enjoyed them swimming right beside us - instead of going at break neck speed past them like other boats were doing. Emily checked the operation of the equipment with each of us before we got into the water, and gave us tips on how to get the most from it. The special surfboard is a wonderful "security blanket" because you hold onto it and the light attracts the plankton which then attract the manta rays. And we were lucky... no sooner had we got into the water and a manta ray, (Emily knew his name) was doing barrel rolls cms from us. It was truly an exhilarating experience. We saw 3 manta rays that night ... they are wonderful creatures. There were many other groups out that night, but they were large groups, and we heard other tour guides yelling through frustration at their groups - perhaps they had issues with being heard. By contrast, our boat only took 6 people and I felt that this was more personal, less stressful and truly enhanced the experience.
Dec 2017
My husband and I researched companies for the night snorkel in Kona. We decided on Coral Reef Snorkel Adventure because they only take small groups as opposed to 20 plus. The advantage is they can move the board around that you hang onto and has lights underneath to attract the Plankton to find the Manta Ray. Other boats are not able to do that. Chelsea our guide was very friendly, knowledgeable and helpful to make us as comfortable as possible. Even though it was disappointing that we did not see any Manta Ray on this excursion, nor did any other boats out there that night, I would go through Coral Reef Snorkel Adventures again.
Aug 2017
Snorkel with manta by night is the thing to do in kona !!!! We took the first slot (5:45 pm). We had the chance to see dolphins on our way to the manta spot and beautiful sunset. Then we stayed 45 min in the water with the rays and it was just Amazing !!! Captain Justin and Emy were perfect. I will never forget this moment :)

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