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Манта Маниа - Ноћно роњење са маском Манта Раи - Искуство у малим групама у Кони, Хаваји

Превозимо највише 6 путника тако да можемо да понудимо интимније искуство роњења с маском и дисалицом од манта раја од већих „сточних чамаца“ у Кони.<бр><бр>Поред пружања приватнијег искуства, величина наше мале групе омогућава боља емисија манта. Ваш водич за пливање ће одвући вашу забаву до најактивнијих делова места за роњење, док се држите за светлосну даску и уживате у представи. Веће групе на већим чамцима често морају да остану поред чамца и не могу да јуре акцију манта као ми. Ако лоцирате најактивније делове места за роњење, имаћете веће шансе да видите више манта зрака.<бр><бр>Ако резервишете свих 6 места на било ком путовању, имаћете свој приватни чартер.<бр <бр>Не пропустите прилику да роните с маском на дах са манта зрацима у приватном искуству у малим групама. Спремите се да правите успомене које ће трајати цео живот!
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
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Коментара (193)
Dec 2010
Snorkeling & Diving with Manta Ray is one of the greatest, if not greatest, experience in Hawaii. You swim in the blue sea and with these giant, lovely, beautiful Manta Rays coming and dancing around you, really really close. It is truly breathtaking. During busy seasons, most companies pack their boat with dozens of guests, while Capitan Ron is said to take no more than 6 people. We went on the Thanksgiving night and he and his swimmer took only my wife and me: it is like a chartered boat for us. Since we were the only guess, we got exclusive service from the swimmer (sorry, I forgot her name). She leads us to the spectacular view spot and always points us to the rays that coming to us using her diving light, so we knew where to look. A bonus of the trip is that a professional video photographer hitch-hiked our boat right before we left. Since we share a boat, she took a exclusive video for us without dozes of other snorkelers on the background, only me, my wife, and Manta Rays. Of course, we have to buy the video, but we were like having a chartered boat with a private photographer. The Manta Ray trip with Capitan Ron was indeed our best experience in Hawaii trip, out ranks the helicopter trip :P
Nov 2010
We went on a Manta Ray Night Diving excursion with Capt Ron and Derek and it was simply the most magical experience ever. The trip in itself is breathtaking and definitely a must-do for anyone visiting Big Island. Manta Rays upclose and personal - literally right in front of your face. On this particular dive we saw 10 huge manta rays! What made the dive even more memorable though was doing it with Coral Reef Snorkel & Dive. We went with a more popular company for the dolphin swimming earlier in the day and while enjoyable, it fell short of how personal the trip with Capt Ron felt. He takes time to walk you through the different rays you'll see underwater and throughout our ride to the dive site, also gave us some background on Big Island. The bigger companies tend to have many assistants but with Coral Reef, you get the captain himself and what a great guy he is! He even offered to take us for a night dive as part of the manta ray dive. I would strongly recommend him if you are looking for a more exclusive customised experience.
Nov 2010
Our Captain said people often leave a dolphin excursion for the last day of their vacation to the Big Island. To that I would have to say that it is so they can save the very best for last. This is an excursion of a lifetime and not to be missed. We took the dolphin snorkel cruise, though they offer other trips as well. Of course we now know better than to wait until the last day of our trip. It was so remarkable that we wished we had done it earlier in the week so that we could have booked one of the other trips for later in our vacation. When we return we will definitely book the Coral Reef Snorkel and Dive manta ray trip, as we know we can count on Captain Ron to provide a life experience not to be missed. We felt like we were able to slip right into the world of the dolphins without adversely impacting them in any way, which was important to us. As the spinner dolphins swam below us and beside us they seemed oblivious to our presence and we were able to watch them interact with each other from just a few feet away. We saw mothers with their babies, bubble rings, and literally hundreds of dolphins throughout the morning. We were fortunate enough to see three types of dolphins, bottle nose, and spinner and spotted. Captain Ron knew just where to place us in the water where we would be safe and comfortable and have the greatest opportunity to swim with dolphins. I felt completely comfortable even though I had never done anything like this before. Roberta, who is also an expert on dolphin behavior, fit us with our gear and snorkeled with us. She taught us the sounds to listen for in the water so we knew when the pods were approaching and guided us to right where they would swim through on their way up the coast. We were treated to a refreshing mid morning snack of papaya (fresh from the Captain's garden) and pineapple. We were able to choose our own sandwich the night before, turkey for me and roast beef for my husband. They were delicious and freshly made by Captain Ron's wife. Snacks, bottled water, and cold fruit juice were always available. Our words do not begin to do justice to this incredible excursion. We hope you are able to experience this for yourselves. You will truly feel part of the ocean. You could not be in better hands than Captain Ron and Roberta’s.

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