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Манта Маниа - Ноћно роњење са маском Манта Раи - Искуство у малим групама у Кони, Хаваји

Превозимо највише 6 путника тако да можемо да понудимо интимније искуство роњења с маском и дисалицом од манта раја од већих „сточних чамаца“ у Кони.<бр><бр>Поред пружања приватнијег искуства, величина наше мале групе омогућава боља емисија манта. Ваш водич за пливање ће одвући вашу забаву до најактивнијих делова места за роњење, док се држите за светлосну даску и уживате у представи. Веће групе на већим чамцима често морају да остану поред чамца и не могу да јуре акцију манта као ми. Ако лоцирате најактивније делове места за роњење, имаћете веће шансе да видите више манта зрака.<бр><бр>Ако резервишете свих 6 места на било ком путовању, имаћете свој приватни чартер.<бр <бр>Не пропустите прилику да роните с маском на дах са манта зрацима у приватном искуству у малим групама. Спремите се да правите успомене које ће трајати цео живот!
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
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Коментара (193)
Apr 2012
We had an absolute blast snorkeling with the manta rays at night! Within 5 minutes of being in the water, I told my husband that this was worth the price of the flight to HI! It's truly amazing to see these beautiful creatures right in front of your eyes. You hold onto a ring flat out, like Superman, and yet I felt like some manta rays were brushing my chest! Someone saw dolphins but we didn't--keep your eyes out for them, too. We saw over 25 manta rays (April 8)! As far as using Coral Reef, we had a great time and it was nice to only have six passengers on board. But, all of the boats go to the exact same location. I guess one plus is that you're not tripping over a lot of other people in fins and masks on the boat itself. But, this is a small boat so if you get sea sick you may fare better on a bigger boat. A videographer rides along in this boat, and since she wants to be the first one back to shore to sell her videos to all of the customers from all of the boats, Coral Reef is the first boat to leave. So, maybe that's a selling point to you, to get out of there as fast as you can and get back to a shower and warmth. Snorkeling with the manta rays will be one of our top experiences ever and is worth every penny. Don't hesitate at all about doing this--you'll have a blast!!!!!
Sep 2011
Visiting the Big Island in June we decided that we would do a night snorkel with Manta Rays & a day trip snorkelling with dolphins. I chose Coral Reef Snorkel because of the great reviews I'd read here, their website is informative and it's a small boat, maximum of 6 people at once. I booked both using email & calling Capt Ron to pay the deposit, he was very nice & answered every question I had promptly depsite the time zone differences (I'm in Australia). We arrived early at the harbour for the dolphin snorkel and found Capt Carl & the boat easily. Roberta came out with us as well and I was glad to have her in the water with us. There was only my partner & I plus another couple so it really felt like a private charter. We had about 5 or so drop offs & as you have to be quick to get in the water before the dolphins swim off, I was very glad we'd decided to go on a small boat. Larger boats had 20/30 people so if you were at the end of the line to get in the water, you'd have missed everything! After a fantastic morning out on the water seeing heaps of dolphins, we stopped on the way back to the harbour for our very tasty (& welcome) lunch...I can also highly recommend Capt Rons wifes brownies! We had booked the night snorkel for that night but Capts Ron & Carl were very honest & upfront and asked us to not go that night but wait a few as there had not been any mantas around the past couple of nights. Happy that they had told us that, we rebooked the night snorkel for a our last night on the Big Island. Getting to the harbour a bit early, we all boarded and Capt Carl & Renata ran through what we were going to do that night. There were 6 of us on board this time but it never felt crowded. Leaving the harbour early enough to catch the sunset on the water was a great idea and on the way south to the site Renata told us all about the mantas, what to do/ not to do etc. It was great to learn more about the manta rays & also made one of our group, who was nervous, a bit more confident. On arriving at the dive site there were a few other boats there and after getting kitted up (full wetsuit too) we jumped in with our torches and swam off together with Renata leading us. On the way we saw a solo manta so we stopped to watch for a while which was a bonus as no-one else was there! He was doing barrel rolls up to the surface & as you can see from one of the pics, he got very close to me! After a while we swam on to where the lights are set up on the bottom & claimed our spot. Renata was great, she made sure we were in the best place all the time. There ended up being 3 mantas, barrel rolling and eating and also a few fish, it was just incredibly fantastic, something I'll never forget. It was fantastic to just float there holding onto the ring watching them below us. After a while I got the shivers & Renata had a heat pack which she put into the back of my wetsuit which helped a lot. After about an hour or so we swam back to the boat, go on & took our gear off & just talked, everyone was on such a high! We had some refreshments (more brownies!) then Capt Carl set out for the harbour. Luckily we had a full moon which just capped of a magical night. I would have no hesitation reommending Coral Reef...Capts Ron & Carl, Renata & Roberta are all such great people and really made you feel welcome and comfortable. Another important thing was their gear (snorkel, mask, fins & wetsuits) is good quality which counts when you're using them for a few hours. Thanks Coral Reef for making our holiday extra special!
Sep 2011
After seeing the promo video for the manta ray night dive, I knew I had to go see it for my own eyes, and it did not disappoint! Seeing the first couple of rays within a foot of my face was something I will never forget. I smiled so wide, water began to seep into my mask! Once we turned into the "main event"...all the lights reminded me a scene from outer space...with space ships gliding in and out of the underwater spotlights. Words cannot describe the symphony of magic that is this show. We were lucky enough to see 8+, but a few nights before there had been as many as 19! To us, 8 was a lot, because you always had some in view the entire time. We saw other boats, and they were packed. A couple of boats reminded us of a Spring Break raft or something...everyone standing...waiting around. Coral Reef Snorkel Adventures only has a max of 6 people! It is crazy small and intimate. Capt Karl and Roberta were awesome. The other members of our excursion cancelled, so we got to go all alone on the dive! Note: There are two locations for the Manta Ray night dive - pick the north one by the airport. We were told by multiple people that, that one is the best and most organized with their lights. We also did the Dolphin Dive. We weren't planning on it, but on the way out to see the Rays, we encountered a large playful pod of spinner dolphins jumping and twirling within feet of the boat...and racing right in front of the bow. We couldn't resist, so we signed up! This was a pricey trip, and I'm happy we went and had some close encounters with dolphins in the wild...but it wasn't as magical as the manta ray dive. Basically it's a crap shoot of how the dolphins are going to interact. Sometimes they just swim right past you, and other times they play. We sorta got the in between. One drop the dolphins stuck around for maybe 30 seconds...and then they were gone. Then we had to seek some more out, and the second drop was a lot more close up. It was so crazy so swim along side them and have a couple come investigate you! And listening to their squeals...so cool! Still....it was about 3 minutes of actual "dolphin time" vs. 3 hours+ of in the boat time. Thankfully Karl and Roberta were fantastic and kept us entertained with knowledge and stuff...plus the ride was relaxing and the scenery of the beaches were beautiful. Not sure I would try the dolphin dive again because of the price and time....but definitely I would do the Manta Ray dive again!!! If you come to Hawaii - do NOT miss this! And if you do decide to try it, go with Coral Reef!!! Their service was top notch, and it really did feel like friends just hanging out. They also had free snacks (well, not free I suppose lol)...but they let us eat and drink whatever we wanted. We cannot recommend these guys enough!

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