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Улазница за поморски музеј Мела Фишера

Поморски музеј Мел Фишера једини је потпуно акредитовани музеј на Флориди. То значи да је ово више од само узбудљиве авантуристичке приче - то је и национално призната истраживачка институција!
Цити: Кеи Вест
Tue 25 Feb
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Tue 25 Feb
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Улазница важи за једнократну употребу у року од 60 дана од изабраног датума<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путници у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Плаћена политика останка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Музеј поморске баштине Мела Фишера
Оживите битке Мела Фишера са владом да задржите артефакте које су пронашли – све до Врховног суда САД. Права народна легенда управо у Ки Весту где се све догодило! Погледајте невероватно благо у шпанским галеријама Треасуре Галлеонс које су открили Мел Фишер и његова посада, плус још много тога! Експонати Брод са робљем и афричко гробље Ки Вест који изазивају размишљање пружају оштар поглед на трансатлантску трговину робљем и јединствену улогу Ки Веста у њој. Откријте реликвије пронађене на броду Хенриетта Марие, енглеском трговачком броду за робове који датира из 1699. Олупина је откривена 1972. године, али је само делимично ископана годинама касније. Слушајте причу иза овог важног дела историје. Сазнајте више о шпанским новчићима у новом свету, правим пиратима са Кариба и науци о бродоломима. Можете чак и да обиђете лабораторију и видите како се историја открива кроз конзервацију сваког дана! Дођите да прославимо 30 година блага уз Поморски музеј Мела Фишера!
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Коментара (83)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Aug 2021
This museum was incredible!!! A must see. We did the shipwreck museum across the street which was a cute Disney-feeling museum. We wanted something more and saw this- truly amazing to see the real treasure and artifacts from years of hard work. You could spend a long time in here reading about each thing. I highly recommend this for adults and teens who want the real thing! Would be a bit boring for young kids. This was our favorite museum in key west!
Dave P
Aug 2021
Booked the behind the scenes tour and was not disappointed. Ended spending over 2 hours looking at all the exhibits and seeing how some of the preservation of artifacts is done. Extremely interesting and well worth it.
Jun 2021
When I was a kid, I visited this museum and was dazzled by the amazing tale of a modern day treasure hunter named Mel Fisher. It was a story of great determination, dedication, perseverance and loss. Even though I was very young, I remembered it well because it inspired me and impressed me greatly. I couldn't wait to share it with my own children one day. The museum was on top of our must-see list upon visiting Key West last week. We visited on 6/22, and now I wish we had skipped it. Needless to say, I was very disappointed with this museum today. We didn't mind paying the very high admission fee ($18 per person) because we thought we were getting what the museum used to offer. Instead, our experience was that the treasure is gone. Anything interactive (including the film about Mel Fisher's lifelong dedication to finding the Atocha treasure) is gone. Most details of his journey of perseverance and loss are gone. In place of what used to be there is a very extensive homage to the slaves that Spain sent in order to recover the lost treasure in the 1600s. I was confused by the major changes that have occurred, so I asked a staff member about all of it. Typically in a museum, questions are welcomed by the staff, but this woman was immediately hostile to me. She was incredibly defensive when I asked her if I was remembering correctly that there used to be much more treasure on display, and then she acted as though I was unappreciative of the extensive story of the slaves' plight. It was a VERY bizarre response to my questions. Looking in other reviews, I can see that I'm not the only one who had a negative experience with this woman. She should not be working with the public. When I asked her about why the film was no longer shown, she took the opportunity to virtue signal to me about the responsibility of not having people in close quarters with one another "breathing each other's air." Meanwhile she's talking to me through her thin, cotton, shark mouth buff that I could actually see her lips through. I hate to break it to you, lady, but that thing you're wearing isn't blocking out any viruses. She also took a break in her finger wagging at me to scold my son about picking up a toy from the gift shop that she was afraid he was going to break. He was simply holding it and looking at it, and it was a kitschy trinket geared towards children! No adult I know would have ever even picked it up. This woman ruined the whole experience for us. Had she answered my questions honestly and pleasantly, we would have left there with a different feeling. Since leaving, I have done a little research and have found that the Fisher family is no longer connected to this museum. Why didn't this woman just tell me that? I also found that the Fisher family has opened their own museum in Sebastian, Florida and that a lot of treasure pieces are on display there. They also have the film that used to be shown in the Key West museum. I am guessing that they possibly have the rights to it, and that's why it's not shown at the Key West museum anymore?? Anyway: Here's the bottom line -- this place is uninteresting, lacking in display, staff is RUDE, and it's also the last place in Key West still requiring mask wearing (PLEASE!!). Eye roll!!! Skip this place, and go see the real thing in Sebastian, FL where admission is $7.

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