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Менденхалл Глациер Флоат Трип

Призор који морате видети док сте у луци у Џуноу је глечер Менденхол, а на овој узбудљивој 3,5-часовној тури рафтинга на белом води, приближићете се овом импресивном чуду природе! Завалите се и забавите се док вас водич весла кроз брзаке класе ИИ и ИИИ у подножју глечера. Док плутате дуж руте од 6 миља (9,6 км), уживајте у невероватним призорима глечера, стрмих планина и обиља дивљих животиња. Није потребно искуство у рафтингу и ова тура је погодна за целу породицу. Желите да будете активнији и укљученији? Затражите сплав за веслање, где ћете пратити команде свог водича и покретати свој сплав кроз деоницу брзака класе ИИ од 1 миље. Без обзира на ваш жељени ниво активности, можемо вам угодити.
Цити: Јунеау
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $173.25
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<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Молимо вас да наведете назив вашег брода или хотела када резервишете обилазак<ли>Деца морају да имају најмање 50 фунти (22 кг) да би да стане у потребне прслуке за спасавање<ли>Деца до 12 година морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе.<ли>Молимо да наведете име вашег брода или хотела када резервишете обилазак<ли>Деца 13 -17 мора имати потписан образац родитељске сагласности да учествује у одсуству родитеља или старатеља
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Коментара (124)
Aug 2022
I recently had the experience of doing this raft trip. The raft we had was loaded with 9 riding and one paddler . All senior citizens. The paddler was nice and personable . He took us along the glaser and explained the sights along the way . The day was sunny but cool . The water was running faster than we expected because the brochure stated the rapids would only be 1. That day he explained they were running 3-4 . The the paddler had a problem controlling the raft the entire trip . He could not get it straight so the entire trip was side ways . We came to an area where there were rocks sticking out of the water . He managed to miss one but because he couldn’t get the raft straight he hit the other rock side ways . The raft flipped up in the rock and the rushing waters prevented it from moving at that point the paddler started yelling lean left lean left which we did Filling the raft with water .He then said no I mean lean right! 1 woman fell out of the raft into the rapid flowing water while 2 others held in to her so she would be swept away . My husband was able to climb out in to the rock . Telling me to get out . When I tried to get out my leg was trapped by the ice chest they had in there that had in the raft . Just as the water was at my chest level my husband told everyone to lean to the right and the paddler was able to push the raft off the rock . We were all shook up . He then wanted to take us in an side adventure I told him no take us back ! When we got back we were all soaked from the freezing water 32 degrees . No towels were offered they said they had silver blankets but when they went to get them there were none to be had ! The bus was late getting to us . So their we set in soaking clothing freezing no ride back and when it did show up 25 min ride back to the ship . Happened to have my phone in a waterproof case hung from my neck the recorded the entire trip including the incident until the water got so high it fell inside my suit then you can still hear the audio . I felt his lack of experience over loaded raft too much weigh on it . And his inability to ever straighten the raft out caused the incident . O yes my leg is injured. Swollen could not bend my knee I missed our last port Ketachan because I couldn’t walk comfortably.
Aug 2022
Was not anticipating that we would see more homes than just natural scenery. The view of the glacier was quite distant as well.
Aug 2022
We had an awesome time we are first timers. We sat in the front of the boat and yes you are going to get wet. But still and awesome trip our guide Tristan ( I believe that was his name) was great.

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