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Доживите вожњу ваздушним чамцем у Мајамију Еверглејдс, изложбу дивљих животиња и аутобуски превоз

Дођите у авантуру алигатора у центру парка. Ваша тура ваздушним чамцем почиње спуштањем низ канал, који нуди многе могућности за фотографије животиња у природном окружењу. Искусни водичи нуде савете који ће вам омогућити да уочите велике и мале алигаторе, као и корњаче и птице меког оклопа које нећете наћи нигде другде. <бр><бр>После вожње ваздушним чамцем, не пропустите представу о дивљим животињама где можете видети алигатора изблиза и сазнати како су се ови гмизавци драматично опоравили да би били уклоњени са листе угрожених врста. На крају обиласка, имате прилику да држите бебу алигатора и сакупите своју БЕСПЛАТНУ фотографију за успомену.
Цити: Мајами
Mon 18 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $44.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $44.00
Шта је укључено
Превоз аутобусом до Националног парка Евергладес
Вожња ваздушним чамцем
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Бебе морају да седите у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности.<ли>Молимо вас да дођете 15 минута пре времена поласка које сте изабрали.<ли>Путовање до Евергладес празника. Паркирање траје између 45-60 минута. Укупно трајање обиласка је приближно 4 сата.<ли>Молимо вас да нас унапред обавестите ако имате услове за приступачност (нпр. ако сте корисник инвалидских колица) како бисмо могли да направимо аранжмане да вам буде удобно.
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Коментара (35)
Gail V
May 2021
This was a joke. I've ridden other airboat rides that were ten times better and much longer. However, Captain Dillan was FANTASTIC!! If it wasn't for him, I would have really been disappointed. He deserves your tips for sure! He was fun and entertaining, but the boat ride is way too short for the price. The alligator show isn't much either, but for little kids, they would get a kick out of it.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2021
Dear Gail V, Thank you for taking your time to give a second feedback! we appreciate it! We will be working with our Everglades park to ensure we provide the full experience to our guests while on the airboat. Also, we will be discussing with the park on ways we can improve the overall experience on the wildlife show. Thank you and please don't hesitate to contact us direct at [email protected] if you wish to discuss you experience further. We would appreciate further feedback on it! Best Regards,
Jun 2020
8The place where I was supposed to meet the bus to begin this excursion was not well identified. Information about the trip was given by a Big Bus Tours ticket seller in a little tent/booth 50yards from the unsheltered & non-descript little plaza. The tour I purchased was to begin @2pm with recommended check in 30 min prior, which I did. The first thing I learned was that the tour start time had been changed to2:30, then 2:45, 3:00 - arrived @ 3:10. Piled everybody into an old bus & departing for a congested freeway journey of an hour’s duration. When we arrived at the destination forty miles away - a rather rundown “Vintage” attraction - at 4:10pm, the bus driver implored us to be back at the bus No Later than 5:30pm because he had to “get back”. We were literally hustled off the bus to a huge waiting fan boat for what was supposed to be an hour of riding through the River of Grass. The boat ride was cut to 40 min, we docked & were ushered to a small & stained arena for a brief talk/demonstration with a trio of 5’- 6’ alligators. When that 15 -20 min ‘show’ was done, we were invited stay a few extra minutes to pay cash to be photographed with a 3’ baby alligator. Dismissed back to the bus, the exasperated bus driver let a few of the women go to the restroom before leaving. All of the women were back for about 7 minutes, unnoticed by the driver as he texted furiously on his phone. I finally got his attention & said everyone was back. The uncomfortable ride back to Miami began @ 6:10 pm, delivering us back to the place where it all began at 7:20pm because of even more traffic. I absolutely do not recommend this tour, or any other by the company. None of their personnel were gracious or friendly, 70% of the time was spent waiting for or riding on an old bus, additionally, the whole experience was of low quality. There are nicer (smaller & quieter) fanboat vendors if you drive yourself down to Homestead & you will find several more updated & professional venues offering such rides that are more welcoming, where questions are invited by the staff & nobody rushes you through any part of the experience. Save yourself the frustration & disappointment of buying an “adventure” from Big Bus tours. You can do much better if you transport yourself all the way down to the Everglades & buy from those local vendors. You will be glad you did!
Одговор домаћина
May 2021
Dear RubyWheels-07Jco18, We hope you are doing well! I am afraid you were not travelling with Big Bus Tours Miami as we at the time of you travel, our operations were closed due to the pandemic COVID19. We wish that next time you are in Miami, you chose our services and let us showcase this wonderful city! Kind Regards,
Mar 2020
ok, but not special. ok value for money. doesn't lasts for to long. all in all one ok experience. ok
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