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Јутарњи лет балоном изнад Феникса

Уживајте у прелепој пустињи Соноран у Аризони као никада раније! Лебдећи 2.000-5.000 стопа изнад пустиње у балону са врућим ваздухом, неометан поглед од 360 степени и мир лета одузимају дах. Након вашег 45-60-минутног лета балоном на врући ваздух, гости се часте охлађеним шампањцем и храном у срцу пустиње, што је савршен почетак дана.
Цити: Пхоеник
Sun 10 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $214.92
Sun 10 Nov
Са почетком у $214.92
Шта је укључено
Преузимање и одлазак у хотел (ако је изабрана опција)
Топли доручак за седење који обезбеђује локални омиљени ресторан Винцент'с он Цамелбацк
Комеморативни летнички сертификат
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Није погодно за труднице <ли>Не препоручује се за учеснике са повредама/проблемима у леђима<ли>Не препоручује се за учеснике са сломљеним костима или који су недавно имали операцију<ли>Путници морају имати могућност да скоче друга степеница мердевина на тлу<ли>Минимална старост је 5 година, минимална висина 48 инча<ли>Стварна време лета је приближно 1 сат<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Плаћено политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима
Шта да очекујете
Пхоеник Соноран Десерт Пресерве
Све туре балоном на врући ваздух се пријављују на паркингу за вожњу балоном на аеродрому Деер Валлеи, осим ако није изабрана опција повратног хотелског трансфера. Гости ће плутати изнад пустиње Соноран која изазива страхопоштовање и посматрати локалне знаменитости, дивље животиње и биљни свет одозго.
Цамелбацк Моунтаин
Уживајте у задивљујућем погледу на култну планину Цамелбацк у срцу долине Феникс. Пилот ћете поделити историју овог фасцинантног града и указати на локалне дивље животиње и биљке.
Довнтовн Пхоеник
Моћи ћете да видите центар Феникса у даљини док се винете изнад долине. Када почнете да слетите, видећете сто са постељином и порцуланом у срцу пустиње, наговештај у чему ћете уживати! Дочекује вас традиционална прослава која укључује сјајно припремљену гурманску кухињу из награђиваног ресторана Винцент'с он Цамелбацк. Летци који први пут буду почашћени легендарном церемонијом балониста коју балонисти широм света деле више од једног века.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Jul 2017
I was fortunate to have an adventure yesterday with this company. I travel a great deal and was struck by the genuine warmth I experienced with everyone I encountered from this company. I called just 24 hours before to book and had a lovely conversation with the female booking agent. The next morning, Kyle (another pilot) picked me up from my hotel and off we went. He was warm, intelligent and engaging...putting my nerves at ease quite effortlessly. I had never taken a hot air ballon ride before and his patience answering questions helped immeasurably. We picked up another few passengers and off we went to the site. There we met more passengers and Tommy our pilot. I will say it was absolutely lovely, not bumpy, windy hot or cold. In fact if I hadn't looked over the chest high basket we stood in, I could have sworn we were still on the ground. We gently floated up high...reaching 7000 ft at one point. The scenery was beautiful. Tommy was an excellent pilot. My recommendation to other passengers would be try not to stand too close to the centre. As Tommy our pilot said "there's a reason they call it hot air ballooning", the fire was quite intense. I had been warned not to wear a tank top but even so my neck was hot each time it was fired up. Dress in a tshirt! After our flight we had a picnic breakfast that was nice and a chance to talk to others on our trip. A drive back to my hotel with Kyle reinforced my desire to come back with my husband and kids the next time we visit. He is a great ambassador for ballooning and the company for sure. All in all, a wonderful time. Very glad to have done it.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2017
NFGal, After all your wonderful words, thank you seems not quite adequate. We are so glad you decided to come out and fly with us as a woman visiting the city alone. It's always nice to hear such kind words about our Crew and Pilots and reservation team as well. We can't wait to have you come back with your family. Also, we have picture up on SmugMug of your flight and others. Might even find a picture or two of you. Thank you so much.
Amanda G
Jul 2017
My husband and I were given a gift certificate for hot air expeditions from our close friends as a wedding gift. The balloon ride and sunrise breakfast in the desert was a highlight of our trip. Mike and Kyle were so informative and make the experience very enjoyable! We will recommend it to all of our friends!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2017
Amanda, We are so pleased that you enjoyed your gift as much as we enjoyed having you. We hope your life together lasts as long as your memories of your time with us. Wouldn't it be nice to wake up every day to such a wonderful breakfast and champagne? I will make sure to let Mike and Kyle know you enjoyed them being your pilot and driver. We hope you come back on your future anniversaries to celebrate with us.
Margot W
Jul 2017
I was travelling with my daughter and looking for unique things to do around the Scottsdale area. Decided to try a hot air balloon ride and my hotel recommended Hot Air Expeditions. We arrived at the meeting location at 5am. We were loaded into a transport van driven by Todd. Todd was very friendly and knowledgeable of the area and discussed the hot air balloon experience and what to expect. He also gave provided us with an educational segment on Arizona and surrounding area. We arrived at the launch site and we had to move twice due to the wind and safety, which, I’m ok with. It was an interesting process watching the hot air balloon being filled up which we got to witness. Our pilot was Mike who has logged over 10,000 flights and competes in hot air balloon competitions. It was fun to listen to his stories and good banter. We saw numerous wildlife including hares, a couple coyotes and a pack of wild mules. We also enjoyed the views of the landscape and mountains and Mike was good at pointing out points of interest. The landing was a bit rough because of the wind, but Mike had prepared us for this event. The champagne breakfast was a lovely way to finish the experience. I would definitely recommend this adventure and Hot Air Expeditions was top rate.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2017
Margot, We always love hearing from our passengers. We are thrilled that you got to get up close and somewhat personal with our Sonoran Desert wildlife. We are pleased that you understood about how we have to work with what Mother Nature gives us in regards to the wind and wind speeds with where we take off and land. Pilot Mike is one of our senior pilots and has so much experience and knowledge. We are pleased to say he is one of us. I will make sure to let Mike and Todd that you were pleased with their services and knowledge.

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