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Цити: Западна Вирџинија
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $88.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $88.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Препоручује се за узраст од 11 и више година<ли>Молимо обавестите о свим специфичним захтевима у исхрани у време резервације.<ли>Позовите да бисте разговарали о инвалидности или услужном смештају за животиње.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно<ли>Саветујте водича. свих релевантних здравствених стања пре почетка путовања. Консултујте се са својим лекаром о здравственим проблемима пре рафтинга. <ли>Свака група ће уживати у овом путовању на свом сплаву са својим професионалним водичем. Неће се мешати групе између сплавова.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (192)
Grace T
Jul 2015
Can't say enough great things about West Virginia Adventures, and particularly about our incredible guide, John Henry! We'd never been whitewater rafting before, and John Henry was crazy knowledgeable and helped us on every step of the journey - from paddling techniques on the calm Upper New to the technicalities of the Class V rapids on the Lower New! We could not have been in better hands! It was a gorgeous day, the river was a bit higher (6.5) due to recent rains, and the rides were phenomenal! We so enjoyed John Henry's commentary and fun insights along the way, and he was a blast to be with! Even the bus driver gets 100% high marks - he was great navigating the crazy roads to and from the river, and so pleasant and informative to talk to. We so love supporting local small businesses, and very much hope that others will find West Virginia Adventures and experience their terrific service, hospitality, and expertise. Oh, and another "thumbs up" to John Henry!
Jul 2015
Last weekend we had a great three generation family float trip on the Upper New River with WV Adventurers. The guide in the raft made it an informative trip on the river and about the area. With unusually high water for mid July (over 4 feet) he helped make even the younger ones comfortable about what was ahead. The other guide directed the six duckies through the riffles and to the left Surprise rapid. At the end of the day the little ones were even in duckies with mom, or dad. It was great for grandpa to see my kids kids learning to love being on the river.
Jul 2015
We booked a private raft to include 2 adults and 4 youth (ages 11, 13, 14, and 17). I typically seek out tours from smaller companies for our vacation excursions to get a more personal experience. Prior to booking, I checked out TripAdvisor reviews, and though not many, I still liked what I saw. We took the half day rafting trip on the Lower New River and had a great time (even with a 20 minute down pour). We stopped at Jumping Rock for those that wanted to jump off the rock into the river. I felt safety was number one priority with West Virginia Adventures and especially with our raft guide, John Henry. This was particularly important, as we had young rafters. Our guide trained us in paddling techniques and ensured that we had it down pat prior to hitting the rapids. He also explained “what to do if you fall off here” prior to each major rapid. Fortunately, no one fell out – which I accredit to John Henry for leading us into each rapid at the best approach. The big company rafting near us that day lost a couple of rafters and we saw them walking along the bank in the trees to catch up with the rafts. Another thing that I noticed of the large corporate rafting outfit were the guides. I am female, so I think it is safe to say… When I saw that the raft putting in before us from the large company had a 20-year-old-looking girl of about 5 foot 2 inches, I thought, I would not like to depend on her to save my kids in an emergency. We had an excellent afternoon on the New River and my children got to experience such a fun and thrilling adventure. And ladies, make sure you get a glimpse of John Henry pumping up the rafts. I promise, you will NOT be disappointed ; )

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