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Цити: Западна Вирџинија
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $88.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $88.00
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Коментара (192)
May 2014
Myself and my daughter came to WV Adventures to white water raft and met with TJ and Dale and Renee. They were great hosts. TJ and Dale took us on the river and Renee met us in the SUV when we were finished. They were so easy to be with and to chat with. The two river guides Dale and TJ were great. They were so knowledgable about the river and the gorge and at the same time safety concious about the rapids. We were both first timers but we experienced the river so well, that we'd both go back in an instant. The fact that the Atlantic Ocean is in our way is a minor flaw. Anyone who is wondering whether to go with these guys or a bigger outfit shouldn't hesitate and go with WV Adventures. Best experience of white water rafting. Don't hesitate, just do it. BTW the review asks what sort of visit was it? We don't fit into the 6 given categories. So, its parent 50's, offspring 20's. I'm going to click on "Solo". We are both world travelled and these guys stepped up to the mark.
May 2014
My wife and I, along with two friends, recently came to West Virginia Adventures to try whitewater rafting for the first time. We are experienced campers, so we brought our tents along and planned on roughing it. To our pleasant surprise, when we arrived we discovered that the owner, Rob, had upgraded our accommodations to a cabin. The cabin was very nice. It had a queen sized bed and a bunk bed, and the bottom bunk of the bunk bed was probably a full sized bed. The cabin could easily accommodate four adults or possibly even five. It also had its own bathroom, and it wasn't a typical campground cabin bathroom where you are showering with the insects. Instead, it was a very nice, hotel style bathroom that had a functional toilet, plenty of hot water, and even towels. The cabin was closer to a hotel room than to a typical campground cabin. We made our dinner on one of their fire pits, which was very large, and could have accommodated way more than just the four of us. We used our own wood, but there was plenty of wood available that we were told we could use if we wanted to. The area itself was very nice, and we passed a very peaceful evening on the night before our whitewater adventure. I should also point out that our friends forgot their watershoes, but there was a mall located less than ten miles away where they were able to go get some. Also, there was cell phone service in the area of the campground, so that helped us stay connected. There is a pavilion area available with picnic tables and we used that area to cook our breakfast on camp stoves. Our guide, Tennyson, had a great personality. He was very helpful and easy-going, and made sure that he set the level of difficulty for the trip at a level we were comfortable with. He gave us some fun challenges without overwhelming us. We rafted on the Upper New River, which is the easier part, because it was our first time. We hit classes 1, 2, and 3 rapids. We also got the option to jump off of a large rock into the water, which I decided to d and Tennyson jumped with me. Rob and Tennyson made our first whitewater rafting trip very enjoyable. I can't think of a single aspect of the weekend that could have been done better. If we come back to West Virginia, we will definitely be choosing West Virginia Adventures again for whitewater rafting.
Nick D
Oct 2013
Let me just start by saying WOW. I never feel compelled to write reviews, but the experience I had this past weekend at West Virginia Adventures went above and beyond every expectation that I had. I'll try to go through as many details as possible so that you can get an idea of what to expect. My group of four came to experience the Upper Gauley river for the first time. We arrived at West Virginia Adventures bright and early on a beautiful Sunday morning. We were outfitted with wet-suits, booties, splash jackets, and helmets. There is a nice bath house on the grounds for changing before and after the trip. We received instruction/safety guidance from the guides before we loaded up to be taken to the put-in spot on the river. Our tour guide was Rob (owner of the company) and immediately impressed me. He was very professional, personable, funny, and an amazing guide. He personally guides as many river trips as he can, which is way more than most other rafting companies can say. He instructed us well and made everyone feel comfortable and confident. He would joke and cut up with us in the (few) calm spots on the Gauley, but when we hit the rapids it was game-on and serious. There are five Class V rapids on the Upper Gauley and he navigated and instructed us through them extremely well. I would advise that if you have never rafted before to try out a different river (such as the New) before you do the Upper Gauley, as these Class V rapids are no joke. At the end of the last Class V rapid (Sweet's Falls), we pulled off onto a giant river rock and set up for lunch. The tour guides brought along a great meal of sandwiches, chips, veggies, and watermelon. This was the perfect meal for the day, as most people dont want to eat a huge, grilled lunch and just want to get back on the river! After you break for about an hour, you get back on the river and finish the Upper gauley and move onto the Middle Gauley. There are some fun swim-through rapids and a cliff where you can get off the raft and jump off. After about a 5-6 hour trip, you make it to the end of your journey. You load back on the bus where cold beer is provided for a relaxing ride back to the base camp. When you get back you change back into your clothes and head on your way feeling absolutely amazed. Aside from the trip itself, I wanted to note a few others things. First off, West Virginia Adventures is a very small company. You will get a much more personal touch with this outfit than you would with a company such as Ace. When you are on the river, they make it feel more like just rafting with some awesome friends than rafting with a command-shouting robot guide. All the workers were very friendly and professional. You could just tell that they loved their jobs. I would recommend at the end of your trip to give them a tip if you can; they deserve it! Another important thing to note is that they take safety very seriously. Some companies have been known to intentionally flip rafts or go through unsafe routes to make the ride "more intense". This is dangerous and has led to deaths in the past. Rob ensured us that he would never do anything to intentionally risk the lives of his customers and makes sure his employees do the same (his guidelines and rules to work for him are incredibley stringent). You will always feel safe and never feel like they will put you in harms way. Overall, I would highly recommend going with West Virginia Adventures if you plan on doing any rafting in WV. They set the bar high, and no one in my experience comes close. When I come back to do the Gauley next fall, we will surely be giving Rob a call again. Thanks West Virginia Adventures for the experience of a lifetime! We'll be back!

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