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Дођите да се дружите са локалним становништвом на 2,5 до 3 сата и сазнајте зашто су толико страствени у животу у Њу Орлеансу. Мора да постоји разлог зашто би изабрали да живе у Њу Орлеансу, граду који је скоро потпуно испод нивоа мора, зар не? Сазнајте због чега локално становништво и туристи тако дубоко воле Њу Орлеанс. Узели су 5 најпопуларнијих тура у Њу Орлеансу и комбиновали своје најбоље елементе и претворили их у једну од најузбудљивијих тура које град може да понуди. Створите заиста незаборавно искуство када заједно кренете у обилазак Француске четврти, историју Катрине, обилазак историјских гробља, обилазак округа Гарден и обилазак архитектуре Њу Орлеанса! У суштини, ако сте љубитељ историје, онда је ова турнеја за вас. Ако покушавате да схватите шта да радите док сте у Њу Орлеансу, па, овај обилазак је и за вас.
Цити: Њу Орлеанс
Sun 17 Nov
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Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $52.00
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Коментара (557)
Apr 2018
Our Celebrity tour was adequate. We got to visit quite a number of iconic New Orleans sights. The van size is small enough that there is opportunity to directly interact with the tour guide leader. While our tour leader was friendly, I don't believe his heart was in it. Probably 10 times during our trip someone would ask him (about half the time it was me) a question to which he replied, "That's a good question. I need to find that out." These were not really obscure questions, but questions about a 5 on a 10 point scale. One example -- he did not know if the runoff from the storm water from New Orleans into lake Pontchartrain made it a bad idea to eat the fish from lake. Given that there were 9 people on the tour who paid $49 a piece for a little less than three hours, we were owed a better prepared tour guide leader.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
Hello HairyHyde, I'm very disappointed to learn you thought your tour wasn't adequate due to your driver/guide. I like to tell myself daily, I have all of the answers to any question that comes my way. But every day I am fooled when I realize I don't have all of the answers. One of the reasons New Orleans tour guides fall in love with being a guide in New Orleans is that we will never ever have all of the answers, which makes our profession so interesting and rewarding. Not only are we able to meet new and interesting people from around the world, we're also able to learn new and interesting things about our amazing and truly beautiful city. It is my guarantee that Celebration Tours will try their very hardest to have all the answers that come our way but I can not in good conscience guarantee you that we will. For whatever it's worth, the answer to this question, about the run off and fish, never crossed my mind since I have never been asked the question and/or thought about it. We all know more about what we are passionate about and we all want to learn more about our passions as well. Come to find out the run off into the lake does not harm the fish. So the fish are perfectly safe to eat. I appreciate your question because it lead me to discover something I would not have known otherwise. Anyhow, thank you. Learning every day. Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler, Ozzy Laporte, Jr. Driver/Guide Celebration Tours NOLA 300!!!
Mar 2018
I loved this tour. Ozzy was a very enthusiastic tour guide with great stories. He provided a lot of historical knowledge of this city of New Orleans and took us to some amazing spots. He was very accommodating and even took us by Charity Hospital. It honestly was our favorite tour in New Orleans!
Mar 2018
My wife, my 23 yo daughter and myself took the Celebration tour of New Orleans. There were 9 people on our tour including our family and our guide covered most of the best known neighborhoods in New Orleans by driving us through them. Our guide, Ozzy, was very knowledgeable and proud of his city. We took this tour on our last day and it probably would have been better to take on our first day. Ozzy shared history of many of the neighborhoods. We took the tour to learn more about the 9th district and its recovery from the storm and Ozzy provided some interesting insights. I think we would have preferred sometime touring on foot but it was a very rainy day so it was not possible. Overall, I recommend this tour to get an overview of the city.

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