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Доживите знаменитости Филаделфије са својим личним водичем у удобном приватном комбију (до 6 особа). Од реке до реке, погледајте Хисториц Дистрицт, Пенн'с Ландинг, италијанску пијацу, Градску већницу, Лове Парк, Франклин Паркваи, Роцки степенице и још много тога. Прилагодите обилазак сопственом укусу ако вас посебно занимају филаделфијска храна, уметност Филаделфије, мурали града, његова колонијална или грузијска историја, архитектура, спорт или музика. Слушајте приче које чине овај град тако дивним.
Цити: Пхиладелпхиа
Sat 08 Mar
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Са почетком у $885.00
Sat 08 Mar
Са почетком у $885.00
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Линцолн Финанциал Фиелд
Спустите се у Соутх Пхилли да видите Линцолн Финанциал Фиелд, Цитизенс Банк Парк и Нави Иардс. Ваша жеља је наша заповест!
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Коментара (6)
adrienne m
Nov 2022
The 5 star rating was totally based on not only the expertise of our driver, Adam but his cheerful personality and enjoyable disposition. He is hugely knowledgeable about the area and offered “did you know…” details about the areas we traversed. Adam made the day so much fun and relaxing at the same time. Ask for Adam, you will have a blast!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Thank you so much for leaving this incredible review! It was my pleasure to bring you back to your "stomping grounds", as I learned a lot of that area myself! You were a wonderful group and I really hope to see you again in the future when you come back East.
Oct 2022
My sister and I were the travelers. A third friend joined us. Working with the WeVenture office in Philadelphia was easy. We were pleased to pay in advance so that they knew we were seriously interested in a guide driving us to four areas outside of the city, where our ancestors settled in 1683. 75 years later our ancestors represented the Continental Congress in the Revolutionary War. Two of the four areas were Valley Forge and The Battle of Brandywine. Others were the earliest Welsh Quakers Meeting Houses, where Adam went beyond by arranging for two church members to take us into the meeting houses giving us a tour within a tour. There was no additional charge for this from WeVenture, it was a piece of Adam Clements’s superb preparation. Of course, each of us picked up Meeting House Offering envelopes to send offerings to these marvelous historic churches. About Adam Clements – he must be the most knowledgeable guide in Philadelphia. Adam took the materials my sister sent, personally drove the custom tour he arranged for us with our map and ancestry materials for timing. My sister’s review will include the places we asked to see. We engaged WeVenture for a full day and a half a day. Adam is a historian with a specialty in the Revolutionary War and delightful to boot.
Oct 2021
From start to finish a terrific experience with Viator, and the tour company, and our guide Adam. It was a tour I booked for 5 adults. Because of the number of people and the schedule we were looking for, I ended up calling Viator. The agent that was able to book this was outstanding. We were originally looking for a 3-4 hour private tour but the companies that provided that did not either have vehicles available on the day we needed or no tours on that day. The Viator rep was able to get us a private tour for the day and we wanted for a slightly higher price. But we could customize our itinerary to meet our time constraints. I received all the pertinent information from Viator and was able to share with my friends easily. Next, a representative from the actual tour company called to give me more information, logistics in nature, confirming pick up location ( at our hotel) and time, confirming our wish to be back at hotel by a specific time frame, and to let us know Adam would be our guide and he would be in contact the morning of the tour. Adam was in touch that morning confirming our schedule. He arrived at our agreed to time. He had a nice vehicle large enough to comfortably fit us all. While we drove to the various sites around Philadelphia, Adam shared A LOT of information about the city, state, and it’s history. On occasion we pulled over , were able to stay in our air conditioned vehicle while Adam pointed out interesting things. He had a route laid out and stops that perfectly suited our needs. We stopped by or at least saw from the car all the major sites in the city. Adam gave us the option to of staying for longer and going in some sights or skipping it and doing on our own later ( as we chose to do for many museums and there are quite a few ). We did choose to take our time at the Elfers St, liberty bell, Rocky steps, Love statue, Christ Church, and the museum at Second Bank. We drove through the Italian market area ( and later during our trip had an amazing dinner at a restaurant Adam recommended). We stopped for lunch and had absolutely delicious cheesesteak sandwiches at Jim’s . The tour far exceeded our expectations! We would strongly recommend it to all.

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