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Дођите у вођену авантуру са пуно добрих провода и пејзажа који одузимају дах. Острво Едисто је једно од последњих неколико неукроћених места у Јужној Каролини. Мало људи је упознато са огромним неистраженим рекама и притокама и преобиљем снажног риболова. Мало људи схвата и богату историју овог сасвим малог острва. Ове две ствари заједно су оно што чини капитена Џастина Рејвенела. Одрастао је проводећи сваку секунду свог слободног времена упознајући тајне острва и не воли ништа друго него да их подели са вама. Једина ствар у чему Џастин ужива више од тога да те пече је да проводи време са својим девојчицама близнакињама и његовом НЕВЕРОВАТНОМ женом!
Цити: Јужна Каролина
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $75.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $75.00
Шта је укључено
Флаширана вода
Мамац и прибор
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Од беба се тражи да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Слободно радите шта Вама је пријатно. Радо ћу удовољити сваком захтеву!
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (70)
Feb 2021
One of the best charter fishing experience that I ever had ( and I have been on dozens). Captain Justin is knowledgeable, personable and able to relate to anyone who likes to fish. This guy/guide really loves to fish and to pass along that knowledge to other who are fortunate enough to fish with him. So, do yourself a favor (weather you are a rookie or a seasoned angler) get on board with Captain Justin and he will deliver.
Pete S
Feb 2021
My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed our morning with Ravenel Fishing Charters. We got started with some of the unique sites only viewable from the water and finished with catching a bunch of fish. An excellent tour and Justin led us to some great fishing. Thanks for great day.
Feb 2021
How do you leave the best fishing charter review for someone who not only takes you fishing & exploring but touches your life in some kind of way that makes you feel so blessed? Well, that'd be Captain Ravenel of Ravenel fishing charters. Wanting to give my husband something special for Valentines Day ~ I knew he'd love to go out fishing... 🐟 Before picking out Ravenel fishing charters I had called several fishing 🎣 charters on Edisto Island and read lots of reviews. Captain Ravenel was the only one who got our attention on that phone call and we picked him immediately. Personality is everything, you know. Not even knowing he'd lived here his whole life and knew Edisto and all the surrounding area I'm so glad we chose him. He was down to earth, treated us like friends and not clients. Any question we asked he had the answer. He was patient, very kind and funny. He is definitely an amazing guide and very knowledgeable of our eco system. We saw dolphins 🐬 and so many beautiful places. His boat was amazing and totally rocked. My husband & I laughed and smiled through the whole experience as we had so much fun!!! Captn' Ravenel had perfect fishing instruction, literally would put the bait on if needed & tell you exactly where to cast. He put my husband on the fish ~ making him a happy man. We've been twice while here on Edisto and plan another tour this Saturday. Fishing has been the highlight of our Vacation. This has been one unforgettable Vacation where most of our smiles & laughs came from Captain Ravenel. Put him on your bucket list because he is truly a great pro. Tammy & Matthew Snyder

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