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Дођите у вођену авантуру са пуно добрих провода и пејзажа који одузимају дах. Острво Едисто је једно од последњих неколико неукроћених места у Јужној Каролини. Мало људи је упознато са огромним неистраженим рекама и притокама и преобиљем снажног риболова. Мало људи схвата и богату историју овог сасвим малог острва. Ове две ствари заједно су оно што чини капитена Џастина Рејвенела. Одрастао је проводећи сваку секунду свог слободног времена упознајући тајне острва и не воли ништа друго него да их подели са вама. Једина ствар у чему Џастин ужива више од тога да те пече је да проводи време са својим девојчицама близнакињама и његовом НЕВЕРОВАТНОМ женом!
Цити: Јужна Каролина
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $75.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $75.00
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<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Од беба се тражи да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Слободно радите шта Вама је пријатно. Радо ћу удовољити сваком захтеву!
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (70)
Oct 2020
Great time! Justin puts you on the fish. they will yank the rods out of your hands. and we seen dolphins also
Oct 2020
We asked for an ACE basin ecology and sightseeing tour without fishing and Capt. Justin Ravenel did not disappoint! He suggested low tide timing was best for this and indeed, we saw lots of what we had hoped for, including three different pods of dolphin along North Edisto River and in Steamboat Creek - one pod was sandbanking to corner Red Drum, which was thrilling to watch. We went out in a shallow draft skiff and were able to actually beach along the river and walk through the 75 degree water to land and a short leg stretch along a quiet stretch of pine forest. He provided plenty of cold drinks - a gorgeous calm late September day rambling. We saw crabbers working their lines, heard about some old homes along the creeks, saw oyster beds and shrimp boats, and saw great fishing holes he knows. To finish off, he took us back to a big freshwater creek off the Intercostal for an opportunity to see alligators big and small sunning in the mud - slithering into the creek as we passed. We absolutely enjoyed every minute and will book again when we return next year for a follow-up look along smaller creeks up into this amazing web of waterways and marshlands which Capt. Ravenel clearly knows very well.
Sep 2020
Went on a whim and booked trip for husband and daughter. They came back and had such a great time!!!! I texted Captain Justin back and asked if he could take the six of us out today for a little sight seeing and he said he could. Captain Justin is very knowledgeable and stays connected with you. Earlier today we wasn’t sure about the weather but he stayed in touch through out the day as the weather cleared. We were able to go out this evening and saw a beautiful sunset and multiple schools of dolphins. I love dolphins and they were real close, you could hear them as they blew the air out before taking a deep dive. It was so awesome, highly recommend!!! Will be booking again soon!!!

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