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Саваннах Гхост Тоур или Пуб Пуб са ловцем на духове

Ја сам ваш туристички водич духова у Савани, Патрицк Бурнс, познат и као „Момак у килту“. Ја сам истраживач паранормалног, телевизијски водитељ и ветерански туристички водич у Савани.<бр><бр>Овде на ТрипАдвисору имам стотине рецензија са 5 звездица. Зарадио сам њихову награду Травеллерс Цхоице и Виатор Бадге оф Екцелленце из веома доброг разлога...<бр><бр>Видите, паранормално је мој животни позив; права страст срца.<бр><бр>На мојим турнејама Саваннах Гхост, добићете добру дозу историје Саване и идеје о томе зашто неки верују да је то можда најуклетији град у Америци.<бр><бр> Али такође ћу са вама поделити приче о сопственим паранормалним сусретима које сам имао током година. Оне за које могу лично да гарантујем, јер су се мени десиле!<бр><бр>Дођите на моју турнеју и сами одлучите да ли мислите да је Савана Џорџија заиста најуклетији град у Америци!<бр><бр>Само потражите типа у Килту!
Цити: Савана
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за путници са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Обитуре се одвијају у свим временским условима (осим у тешким), молимо вас да се обуците у складу са тим.<ли>Обилазак може бити отказан због лошег времена или других непредвиђених околности. Ако откажете, можете поново резервисати за други датум или добити повраћај новца. <ли> За обилазак је потребан минималан број учесника. Ако откажете јер минимум није испуњен, можете поново резервисати за други датум или добити повраћај новца.<ли>Ово је пешачка тура, а учесници треба да имају умерен ниво фитнеса за ходање. <ли>Претраживање пабова је ограничено на кориснике од 21 и више година. Мора имати важећу личну карту коју је издао државни орган.
Шта да очекујете
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Коментара (339)
Jun 2017
This was by far the BEST ghost tour I've been on (and I've been on countless). It's a MUST on your trip to Savannah! The price was very reasonable for the length and detail in this tour. Not to mention, Patrick was phenomenal!
Jun 2017
This is THE Ghost tour of Savannah! Celebrity The tour guide is hosted by celebrity paranormal investigator, Patrick Burns. Patrick is best known as star of the TruTV (formerly Court TV) series Haunting Evidence. He also appeared as a recurring guest judge on two episodes of the Travel Channel's Paranormal Challenge. Patrick Burns will provide you with his first-hand knowledge of paranormal activity that he has experienced, even providing examples of actual paranormal evidence. The tour starts nightly at 8 PM ET at the gates of Colonial Park Cemetery, which is located at 201 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA. (look for the DAR statue entrance at the corner of Abercorn street and East Oglethorpe Avenue). The tour typically lasts anywhere between 1 ½ to 2 hours and is a walking tour. I strongly suggest parking at the Republic Parking garage which is located at 115 E Congress St, Savannah, GA 31401. The parking costs are only $2 and it is covered. It is a quick 6 block walk from the parking garage to Colonial Park Cemetery and we complete the walk from the parking deck in about 5 minutes. Along with the ghost tour, Patrick also includes other famous sites along the walking tour, including Chippewa Square which is the known for the famous park bench scenes from the critically acclaimed film Forrest Gump. In the opening shot of the film, a feather floats high above the trees, then sweeps down past the Independent Presbyterian Church and makes its way toward Chippewa Square, eventually landing at the base of a park bench. The tour also walks by The Six Pence Pub on Bull Street. This pub is famous for the movie scene in the romantic comedy "Something to Talk About," starring Julia Roberts, Dennis Quaid, Robert Duvall, and Kyra Sedgwick. The tour changes nightly, but may include stops along the way at famous paranormal activity sites including the Savannah Theatre, Antique row, the Mercer House (midnight in the garden of good and evil house) and Wright Square, just to name a few. If you are lucky, you may even spot Patrick’s wife, the famous Marley Gibson (Author, Editor, Foodie, and Ghost Huntress) along with your tour. In summary, Patrick Burns won’t disappoint, and you will be captivated with his paranormal stories and hands-on activities! This is by far the best ghost tour in the city of Savannah!
Jun 2017
We had an amazing experience with Patrick Burns of Got Ghosts! Patrick gave us lots of information about the locations we visited, the history of Savannah, and offered his own pictures and recordings of some of the things he has experienced through his years of Paranormal investigations. Not only did he take us on the tour, but he knows so much history of Savannah that every question we had he was able to provide answers. We have done ghost tours with other companies and in other cities and Patrick offers the most authentic and informative experience of all, by far. The tour started at the time arranged and he did not rush at all, despite all of our questions and discussion with him. If you are taking a ghost tour in Savannah, you really need to seek out Got Ghosts to get the most informative and authentic experience. We will take his tour again next time we are in Savannah!

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