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Тајне Кипа слободе и пешачки обилазак острва Елис

Кип слободе и острво Елис освојили су машту хиљада посетилаца Њујорка због свог значаја као симбола америчке слободе и могућности. Откријте тајне настанка, дизајна и изградње ових легендарних америчких дестинација. Слушајте приче имиграната који су се пробили кроз острво Елис након опасног и неизвесног путовања. Уживајте у прекрасном и панорамском погледу на Кип слободе и њујоршку луку пре него што изађете на острво Либерти. Једном на острву Либерти, уживајте у изванредним погледима на Њујорк. Затим завршите обилазак острва Еллис.
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Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $67.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $67.00
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<ул><ли>Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо да се обуците прикладно
Шта да очекујете
Национални споменик замак Клинтон
Више од 200 година, Тхе Баттери је био непроцењив део историје Њујорка. Деценијама пре него што је острво Елис изграђено или Кип слободе загледао се у бродове који долазе, милиони придошлица су стигли у Батерију из Европе и других места.
Кип Слободе
[Посета постољу није укључена] Његова најистакнутија карактеристика је Кип слободе, велика статуа Фредерика Огиста Бартолдија која је посвећена 1886.
Еллис Исланд
Острво Елис је била најпрометнија станица за инспекцију и обраду имиграната у Сједињеним Државама. Након што је на наше обале дочекало више од 12 милиона имиграната, острво Елис је сада поетски симбол америчког сна.
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Коментара (54)
Mar 2020
Kaherine, our tour guide, was very knowledgeable and made the tour very exciting and interesting. She took us on a awesome journey about the history of the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island and Ellis Island. She pointed out excellent spots for photos and was very warm and welcoming to everybody within the group. An excellent experience for newcomers like us to learn more about the Statue of Liberty.
Feb 2020
My wife and I purchased a 4 attraction NYC explorer pass through Costco for $99. We learned that this tour counted as one of the attractions and that the ferry ride was separate so we had to use another attraction for that. Our guide (Tim) was nice enough, struggling actor, yada yada, however the information wasn't certainly worth it (and we're really glad we didn't spend $55 or whatever the cost was for this because we really would have been disappointed). A few times he even said, "you'll hear/see the same thing on the audio tour and inside exhibits, but I'll give this information here as well". I guess we expected that a tour guide would provide additional information that you wouldn't be getting on the normal exhibits and included audio tour. We didn't spend that much time with the tour guide and apparently it's illegal to be inside the Ellis Island building with a tour guide so my suggestion is to not purchase this additional feature. Best tip he gave was to sit at the top and back of the ferry so you have great views of Manhattan. There, now you don't have to purchase this!
Dec 2019
We used our Explorer pass for this and the ferry was included. We were introduced to our guide Tim Cox who set the scene before we went through security, I’d heard this could take some time but in fact was easy - we went the day before Thanksgiving so expected it to be busy. Tim was an excellent guide, very informative, good sense of humour and allowed plenty of time for us to ask questions. We had free time to look around the fairly new museum, the active picture wall is brilliant. We then carried on to Ellis Island where I had been told to go to watch the film, however, Tim gave us plenty of background information which enabled us to skip the film and enjoy the exhibits. After visiting the wall we were given choices. We could go straight back on the ferry, stay on Ellis Island longer or return to the Statue of Liberty. So plenty of opportunity to ‘do your own thing’. We felt this was well worth using our pass on. Also Tim gave us lots of hints for where to watch the Thanksgiving parade which was a plus. Great guide, great visit.

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