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Тајне Кипа слободе и пешачки обилазак острва Елис

Кип слободе и острво Елис освојили су машту хиљада посетилаца Њујорка због свог значаја као симбола америчке слободе и могућности. Откријте тајне настанка, дизајна и изградње ових легендарних америчких дестинација. Слушајте приче имиграната који су се пробили кроз острво Елис након опасног и неизвесног путовања. Уживајте у прекрасном и панорамском погледу на Кип слободе и њујоршку луку пре него што изађете на острво Либерти. Једном на острву Либерти, уживајте у изванредним погледима на Њујорк. Затим завршите обилазак острва Еллис.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $67.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $67.00
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<ул><ли>Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо да се обуците прикладно
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Национални споменик замак Клинтон
Више од 200 година, Тхе Баттери је био непроцењив део историје Њујорка. Деценијама пре него што је острво Елис изграђено или Кип слободе загледао се у бродове који долазе, милиони придошлица су стигли у Батерију из Европе и других места.
Кип Слободе
[Посета постољу није укључена] Његова најистакнутија карактеристика је Кип слободе, велика статуа Фредерика Огиста Бартолдија која је посвећена 1886.
Еллис Исланд
Острво Елис је била најпрометнија станица за инспекцију и обраду имиграната у Сједињеним Државама. Након што је на наше обале дочекало више од 12 милиона имиграната, острво Елис је сада поетски симбол америчког сна.
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Коментара (54)
Oct 2019
Watch out, the tour does not include neither the ferry ticket nor the fast track.So why 55 USD per person?You can read all the stuff they say on Wikipedia, Also, they have a very rigid policy with hidden T&C. Melissa Star, their guides' director, is completely unprofessional.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2019
Thank you for your feedback but we feel your review is both inaccurate and unfair. You falsely stated that you paid $55 for this tour. We looked up your reservation and noticed that you are an Attraction pass customer that paid through your pass. The passes require that you purchase your Ferry tickets separately. This has nothing to do with our company. It is the policy of the pass company. If you have a problem with that you could have taken our "All-inclusive" tour which includes ferry tickets and is offered independently by us instead of using an Attraction Pass, which does not include Ferry tickets. The statement that we have "hidden charges" is also false. You are told in writing on our website and through several confirmation that since you were taking a tour using an Attraction Pass, you would have to purchase Ferry tickets separately and ahead of time. If you chose to ignore these notifications, it is not the fault of our company. As for the alleged unprofessionalism of Melissa, you did not describe what occurred so we do not know if her behavior was unprofessional. We regret if you feel you were treated in any unprofessional way. Thank you for your feedback.
Oct 2019
We booked the tour through our New York Explorer pass which we didn't realise was just for the tour guide and not for the ferry trip. We used 2 of our attractions on this one trip which only costs around $19 each if we had made our own way over to the islands. The meet up was a bit confusing as the organiser wasn't there to explain about the ferry ticket. We stood about for 30 minutes and then we had a quick chat about what would happen during the day and a little bit about the Battery Park area where the ferry port was. We joined the queue to get through the airport style security where the security people were very rude to everyone. We got on the boat and made our way over to the Statue of Liberty first. Tim Cox our guide was a lovely man and very good speaker. He walked us around the island and gave us little insights in to the history of the monument. He then left us to walk around the island and museum for around 40 minutes. We caught the boat to Eliis Island and we had a talk near the entrance to the museum but Tim wasn't allowed in to there as they have stopped guides entering. We had about 30 minutes in there and then we got another talk by the wall of names around the back of the museum. So Tim was great but unless you want to know those little bits of extra info that you can read yourself in the museums and using the free audio guides I think this is a waste of money or one of your NY passes. We would have spent longer at the Statue Of Liberty if we hadn't had a guide. We didn't get time to go in the shop or walk closer to the plinth underneath the statue.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to hear that you did entirely enjoy your experience. Although everyone is welcome to visit the Statue of Liberty and use the ferry on their own, we provide added value with a NYC licensed tour guide. Tour guides can provide context, humor, narrative, and are available for questions and deeper insight. You would not have access to this using the free audio guides. The limitation of entering the museum is across all companies and unfortunately out of our control. We did in the past bring our groups inside and navigate with the guide. All tours follow a schedule and are timed, but we welcome guests along the way and at the end to return or re-visit anything they found of interest. We have won awards of excellence with our tours and assure our guides are prepared to provide quality experiences. Thank you again for your feedback.
Sep 2019
I have previously visited Liberty Island and been up to the pedestal and the crown but this was by ourselves and not with a guide. I have not previously visited Ellis Island. Our guide was Catie. The word "Perky" was definitely invented for her but she was perky in a funny endearing way and not in the annoying way. She kept the tour moving at a good pace and was very well informed and able to answer questions. It was a great way to see Liberty Island and a good amount of time was allowed for photos and to visit the new museum and the gift shop. I had been wanting to visit Ellis island for some time and again Catie was well informed. I thoroughly enjoyed the tour and definitely recommend it.

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