The two gentlemen astronomers who ran the show were super knowledgeable, very friendly & fielded questions about astronomy, space itself, the zodiac & even UFOs or UAP (Unidentified Atmospheric Phenomena) as we were told how the US Government prefers to refer to such things now.
Sedona lived up to its billing as a dark sky city. The sky was brilliant & alive with color & light (even with the moon being half full) which our astronomer guides were adept at continually fielding questions & deftly wielded their green laser pointers to the sky & showed us where what we were looking at was in the sky & what it looked like to the naked eye.
With fantastic array of large programmable Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes, there were no more than six people assigned to each telescope. This allowed for each person to get quite a bit of individual viewing per stellar object.
Give it a try, if you are curious about the night sky, these guys are legit & very worth the price of admission.